Find your way to what you need with Innoslate's Navigation Bar.
The black navigation bar at the top of Innoslate is a consistent feature that provides easy access to various features within the application. It is the primary tool for navigating through Dashboards and Tools specific to your designated Innoslate Project. Whether you need to access project data, diagrams, documents, or test suites, the navigation bar is your gateway to efficiently maneuvering through the platform. Let's delve deeper into the functionality of this essential tool.
MENU Drop-down
The leftmost feature of the top navigation bar is the 'MENU' dropdown, providing easy access to essential links for navigating around Innoslate.

This dropdown contains menu items that users may click on to successfully navigate around Innoslate.
The links under the drop-down are arranged into three sections: General, Specialized, Tools and Quick Links.
Under the “General” section are navigational links to your project’s Dashboards like Database View, Diagrams Dashboard, Documents Dashboard, and Test Center.
Under the “Specialized” section are navigational links to tools within Innoslate like the DoDAF Dashboard, Intelligence Dashboard, GitHub Dashboard, UAF Dashboard and Project Management Dashboard.
Under the "Tools" section are the Import Analyzer and Schema Editor.
Under the 'Quick Links' section, the 'Digital Curation Station' link opens Innoslate’s Digital Curation Station, the 'Provide Feedback' link opens Innoslate’s Feedback Form Reference Archituectures, and the 'Resources' link sends you to our Resources page.
Pinned Links
To the immediate right of the items on this menu are pin buttons that allow users to pin desired views to the top navigation bar. By default, six items are pinned to the bar: Dashboard, Database, Diagrams, Documents, Text Center and Import Analyzer. You can also remove any of these views on the top navigation bar by clicking the pin. The pin will dissappear to confirm the view was removed from the top navigation bar. We recommend pinning the features of Innoslate you use most often for easy one-click access.

Note, you can rearrange the order of your pinned items by dragging and dropping them on the navigation bar:
Icons on the Right of the Navigation Bar
Located on the right side of the navigation bar, you'll discover icons that grant you access to a variety of additional features. Let's take a closer look at these functionalities.
Chat Sidebar
Clicking the ‘Chat Sidebar’ icon toggles the collaboration sidebar open and closed. You will find the chat sidebar fixed to the right of your browser window when it is open. The sidebar has 2 tabs to allow you to start a group chat and see which users are currently online:
To access point-to-point chat, click on the Online Users tab and select the user you'd like to individually chat with. A small window will pop up to the left of the chat sidebar for that dialogue:
Share Icon

- Clicking the ‘Share’ button opens the ‘Share Project’ dialog.
For more on Sharing your project, you can find that here.
The bell icon alerts you to any updates or modifications made to the project by other users. When clicked, a dropdown menu will display information on the most recent changes that occurred.

Switch Projects Icon
The 'Switch Projects' icon in the menu dropdown allows you to switch between your existing projects organized by organization. You can also create a new project by clicking on the 'Create a New Project' link, access Project Version Control through the corresponding link, and manage your projects by clicking on the 'Manage Projects' link.

For more on managing your projects, please click here.
Project Preferences
The ‘Project Preferences’ icon is a dropdown that will display the following features available: 'AI Assistant,' 'Innoslate Help,' 'Banner', and 'Clear Sessions.'
Help Icon
Name Icon

The 'Name' icon is the right-most menu item of the top navigation bar. This dropdown is displayed as a green circle with your first name's initial. Clicking this dropdown allows you to access/update your Innoslate user account profile, change your password, enable Two-Factor Authentication or sign out of Innoslate.