Manage Projects

Project Banner

Understanding and Utilizing the Project Banner in Innoslate for Enhanced Project Visualization

1.   In the navigation bar of any project page in Innoslate, select the gear icon, then select ‘Banner’ from the dropdown menu. 

banner step 1

2.   The Banner window will appear. Select the template option you would like displayed from the dropdown menu. banner step 2

The banner template dropdown provides defaulted templates and a custom option.

banner step 2b

3.   After selecting the template, click the ‘Show Advanced’ button to modify banner settings. Note, the custom template will automatically show these advanced settings.

banner step 3

4. Select the eye icon on each banner you would like to have displayed throughout your Innoslate project.

banner step 4

When the banner is displayed, you can click on the icon, which will appear as a crossed-out eye, to remove the banners.

banner step 4b

5. With the eye icon toggled on, you can change the text by clicking in the text box and typing. You can also change the text size by clicking in the text size box and typing.

Once you are done customizing the banner(s), click ‘Save’ to apply the settings. 

banner step 5


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