Create and manage your diagrams from Innoslate's Diagrams Dashboard.
The Diagrams Dashboard functions as the central hub for all the diagrams in an Innoslate project. This dashboard provides users with abilities to create, modify, organize, search, and filter diagrams according to their preferences. Additionally, users have the option to customize this dashboard and save the layout for their team to access.
If users don't see 'Diagrams' in the top navigation bar,it can be foundunder the 'MENU' dropdown on the top left of the navigation bar, under the 'General' heading.
Adding Widgets to the Diagrams Dashboard
Innoslate users can modify their Dashboard and organize it by the ‘Add Widget’ button on the Diagrams Dashboard.
A pop up appears allowing users to select from two options:
The 'All Existing Diagrams' widget contains all existing saved diagrams in an Innoslate project.
The 'Diagram Card' widget allows users to easily access an individual diagram outside of the 'All Existing' widget.
After selecting a widget, take note of the 'Save to project' toggle. When enabled, all users who have access to the project will be able to view the widget on their Diagrams Dashboard.
All Existing Diagrams Widget
The 'All Existing Diagrams' widget is where users can conveniently access all of the diagrams in their Innoslate project. Innoslate users have a variety of options available to them for filtering, sorting, searching, and interacting with diagrams within this widget.
When users hover their mouse over the top right of the heading bar a 'Lock' appears so that this widget remains in place on their Diagram's Dashboard.
Users can also remove this widget from their Dashboard by clicking the 'Close(X)'button.
Also, there is a 'Reports' button for users to export their diagrams as a DOCX or PPTX.
When this 'Reports' button is selected, a pop up appears with a dropdown to allow users to include name, number, description, created by, created on and modified on data to their report. Then users can select DOCX or PPTX for download. Include a name and select the 'Download' button to create the report.
Note, if you filter the widget for certain diagram types, only those diagram types will be selected for the report.
In the 'All Existing Diagrams' widget users can filter the diagrams by diagram type:
Sort the diagrams by most recently created date, most recently modified date, name or number: