Compilation View

Compilation View Navigation

Mastering Navigation in Innoslate's Compilation View

In this section, we will provide a general overview of Compilation View and its various components. 

Compilation View

When users access a Compilation View the content of the Compilation will be displayed in the central section of the view.

The areas surrounding the Compilation provides various options to interact with the Compilation and utilize Innoslate’s features. The 3 main sections surrounding the Compilation are:

  • Left Sidebar
  • (Top) Toolbar
  • Right Sidebar

Left Sidebar

The left sidebar has three tabs the Filter tab, for filtering the document, a Baseline tab to refer to previous Baselines and a Comments tab.

Filter Tab

The Filter Tab allows users to customize the display of the Compilation based on their selected criteria. By utilizing class options and labels, users can easily filter and view the Compilation according to their specific needs. The top section shows all entity classes, Actions , Artifacts, etc. used in the Compilation for users to select from to filter the main view.

The second portion allows users to filter by their desired label. Note, the 'AND', circled above, is clickable and can be changed to an 'OR' query or remain on 'AND.'


The Baseline Tab on the left sidebar provides users with the ability to easily navigate to the baselines that have been created and the latest version of the Compilation. This allows users to track changes and compare different baseline versions of the Compilation.

When a baseline is created, the baseline can be found under 'Baselines' on the Baseline Tab of the left sidebar, as pointed out with the red arrow. To navigate to the current version of the Compilation, users will want to click on the Compilation link in the red box, below Main Compilation.


The third tab on the left sidebar is for Comments. These comments are placed on the Compilation Artifact Entity and can be entered in the Rich Text field as highlighted above.  Be sure to select 'Add Comment' for the Comment to save and appear below the Rich Text field.

Once a comment is displayed they may be resolved, reopened, edited and deleted directly from this tab. This can be experienced in the video below.

Navigation, Minimization & Drag and Drop with the Right Sidebar

The right sidebar provides the ability to visualize the hierarchy of the Compilation, navigate through the Compilation and rearrange the order of the entities via drag and drop. Users can also expand or collapse the children of parent entities. In the image below, the expand/collapse buttons are circled and the drag and drop feature is indicated on the right sidebar with a red arrow.

Note, the Synchronize synchronize heirarchy tab button on the top right. Clicking this convenient feature ensures that the right sidebar stays updated with the current location when scrolling through the Compilation with it's scrollbar. This is particularly helpful when navigating deep into the Compilation.

Top Toolbar

Following the image from left to right, the top toolbar allows users to go 'Back' to the previous page visited before navigating to the Document.

The Blue 'New Statement' allows users to add a new Statement.

The down arrow button is a dropdown to allow users to add another entity class or add an existing entity.

By selecting the 'Open' option, users can view their document in a different perspective. If a specific entity is chosen, the Open feature will display that entity and its relevant view options.

The 'More' options allows users to utilize feautres. These can be reviewed here.

'Reports' allows users to output their Compilation into various formats. For more on the Compilations View Reports, these can be found here.

Compilation and Entity Specifications

The main Compilation area allows users to select a specific entity. When a specific entity is selected in the Compilation, the left sidebar and top toolbar will automatically adjust, allowing modifications and access to other features for that selected entity.

There are four tabs available on the left sidebar to allow modifications to the selected entity in this view. These tabs include the Metadata tab, Attributes tab, Relationships tab, and Comments tab.

Note, hovering over the top of the tabs will reveal a small arrow, enabling the ability to rearrange the tabs between the left and right sidebars.

Moving a Tab on sidebars Docs View

The top toolbar provides options to add a parent entity or child entity (the other options are explained further on this page).

top toolbar editing selected entity docs view

To click out of a requirement, click on the 'Deselect' button on the top toolbar. Or simply move on to the next entity by clicking on it within the Compilation to modify it.

Compilation Save

Once changes have been made to entities in the Compilation, simply click on the 'Save' button, or 'Cancel' if needed, to save the modifications. Note, the 'Save' or 'Cancel' buttons will only appear if changes have been made and have pressed 'Deselect'

Note, selecting 'Save' will navigate users back to Compilations Dashboard.