Calendar Chart

Creating and Utilizing the built-in Innoslate Calendar


Creating a Calendar Chart

Step 1: Navigate to ‘Charts View’, then click on ‘New Chart’.

New_ChartStep 2: Choose ‘Calendar’ and give it a database search query to find entities to include in the Calendar (same search syntax used with the Advanced Search Editor), then click ‘Next’.


Step 3: Give the root Time a name or number, then click ‘Next’, then click ‘Finish’.


Step 4: Each DateTime attribute on the entities that match the given search query (limit: 10,000 entities) are shown as events on the Calendar.

Select Calendar Event

Entities can be edited by clicking on the event, which shows the ‘Metadata’, ‘Attributes’, ‘Relationships’ and ‘Day’ tabs on the left sidebar. The ‘Remove’ button in the toolbar is also displayed. Removing the event from the chart will delete that entity’s DateTime attribute associated with the particular selected event.


Note: The ‘Remove’ button also includes a dropdown menu where you can select ‘Delete from Database’ or the default option of ‘Remove from Chart’.

Clicking the ‘Day’ tab shows all of the events on the selected day, including each entity’s name/number, class name, DateTime attribute associated with that particular event, and the attribute’s time. The border color corresponds to the group that entity type is assigned to from the Calendar settings. Clicking the pencil icon (eyeball icon if you are a reviewer), selects that event and switches to the ‘Attribute’ tab.


If a day which has more events on it than can be shown on the Calendar is selected, the number of events on that day is displayed in the top right corner. Hovering over the events on that day allows the user to use the mouse to scroll up/down to view the other events.


Calendar Settings

To edit and configure your Calendar settings, click on the wrench button at the top right, then select ‘Edit Settings’.


From here, you can create Filter Groups which take a unique name and the choice of either 1 or more Generic Labels, or a Class and some combination of 1 of its DateTime attributes and 1 or more labels (both are optional if a class is selected). Once you have the group options set, click ‘Add’ to add them to the settings group list.


Once the Filter Group has been added, you have the option of showing/hiding all events that match the criteria you specified. By default, Holidays are also shown so that you can choose to show/hide all Holidays.

In this section, you may also change the database query used to add events to the Calendar.


You may also change the background and text colors for each Filter Group by clicking one of the pencil buttons for that group. To go back to the default colors, select the eraser button next to the pencil.


As the colors change, the name of the group in the middle will change to show a preview of what your background/text color combination will look like. Hovering over the name displays the Class/Label/Attribute combination that makes up that Filter Group.


To remove a Filter Group, click the red ‘X’ button next to that group row in the Colors section of the settings.


Calendar Search

To search for a Calendar event, click on the ‘Search’ button in the toolbar.


From here, you can search for an event on the Calendar by specifying part or all of the name/number associated with the event and pressing the Enter key. This will bring up the list of all the Calendar events that match the name/number search. Click the checkbox of the event you wish to turn the Calendar page to and click ‘Confirm’.


Note: Only events that are a) associated with the current Calendar chart query and b) events that are not hidden by one of the Filter Groups will show up in the search results.

After confirming, the Calendar will automatically flip to the month of the event you selected and momentarily highlight the day that event occurs on.


To navigate back to the current month, click the ‘Today’ button in the toolbar.

To navigate to any specific month, click the Calendar header to bring up the popover where you can select the month and year you want the Calendar to jump to.




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