Entity View

Comment on Entities

Add your comments and view team comments on entities in Innoslate.

Adding a comment on an entity allows a team member to capture their thoughts and additional details about an entity in order to better collaborate with other team members. Adding a comment on an entity in Innoslate generates a notification that will display in the ‘Comments Feed’ widget of your project’s ‘Dashboard.’

Adding a Comment

1.   Within ‘Entity View,’ locate the ‘Comments’ panel and click within the ‘New Comment…’ input field.

comment tab


2.   Type in the comment you would like to add to the entity and click the ‘Add Comment’ button.

comment example


3.   This will cause the ‘Comments’ panel to refresh to show your new comment below the ‘Add Comment’ button. Comments can even display formatted text such as bold, italics, and underline as well as images, links, and more.

created commented

Removing a Comment

1.   Within ‘Entity View,’ locate the ‘Comments’ panel. For the comment you wish to delete, click the drop-down menu next to the check mark and click ‘Delete.’

edit comment


2.   This will cause the ‘Comments’ panel to refresh, no longer showing the comment that was just removed.

* Note: Unresolved comments are visible to anyone shared on your Innoslate project, no matter what level of project permissions you’ve given that Innoslate user.