Admin Dashboard

Stay organized with your team and project in Innoslate's Admin Organization Dashboard.

admin dashboard 1

This is the dashboard that we will spend the rest of this guide discussing in detail. In this dashboard, we have a number of windows showing key aspects of the organization. The “Daily Usage” graph shows the number of users over time for the Organization. This graph collects information about how many users are working on Projects in the Organization on those days. Valleys in this graph at times correspond to weekends or days off. The far right graph shows the number of licenses by type that is being used in the Organization.

The panel on the far left shows the organizations that you can Administer. In this case, there is just one. To go to another organization, just select it and the Admin Dashboard for that Organization will appear. Remember that whenever you come into the Admin Dashboard, you will be working on the top Organization. When here, this will always go back to the first organization on the list, which may cause a bit of confusion if you are going back and forth, but you should not have to do it that often. Note that Innoslate Projects can only directly communicate (using cross-project relationships) with other Projects in the same Organization. The Projects can NOT communicate with Projects in another Organization. As such, if you have users who need to be in multiple Organizations, you will require a license for each Organization. More on this when we discuss the licensing panel.

top of admin dshboard


In the top bar, there are three buttons: “Navigate to Dashboard”, “Navigate to Schema”, and “Delete Organization”. The first button will take you back to the Organization Dashboard for the Organization you are viewing. This button provides a way to navigate between Organizations or just go back to the Innoslate Project you want to work on. The second button (“Navigate to Schema”) takes you to the Schema Editor for the Organization. Here is where you can define a schema for all Projects within the Organization.

organization schema dashboard


This schema editor works the same as the Project level editor, except that there is no Workflow tab. See here for how to change the schema using the editor.

Note: Be careful selecting “Delete Organization”, as this action is permanent.

entity limit


At the bottom right of the Admin Organization Dashboard, you will see the Entity Limit. The Entity Limit shows the maximum number of entities allowed in the Organization. This factor is set as part of the licensing options procured. The “10000” in this example indicates that there is a limit to the number of entities allowed in the Organization.


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(Next Article: Admin Management)