Admin's Licences and Users

Manage Licenses (Admin Users)

Manage users and licenses in Innoslate.

This article is intended for Admins on the Organization level.

License management for an Innoslate organization is facilitated through the License Panel located in the organization's Admin Dashboard. This panel provides a comprehensive overview of the licenses associated with the organization.

Organization Admins utilize this panel to access detailed license information and to navigate to the License Dashboard, where they can manage users according to their license types. It is essential to understand that only SuperAdmin users have the authority to modify the quantity of licenses and set the organization's expiration date within the Admin Dashboard. 

Innoslate Cloud and GovCloud users should reach out to their Innoslate Account Manager for any modifications that require SuperAdmin access. For users of Innoslate Enterprise, which is self-hosted, contact your designated SuperAdmin for such modifications.

License Dashboard

From the License Dashboard, Admins have the ability to effectively manage users associated with each license type. This includes the option to add, remove and search for users as necessary. Additionally, Admins can revoke a Floating license when it's no longer needed to optimize license utilization.

Navigate to the License Dashboard

1. Navigate to Admin Dashboard and locate the License Panel.

2. Select 'Users' or 'Reviewers' to be navigated to the License Dashboard.

Add Users

  1. Select License Type on the Left Sidebar.
  2. Select 'Add User' (top left on Navigation Bar) so the 'Add a User(s)' prompt appears.
  3. Type in 1 user by email or username, then press 'Enter'.
  4. Repeat Step  to add multiple users to the license type.
  5. Select 'Add'. 


  • When adding users with full edit licenses from the License Dashboard, they will automatically be assigned to the 'Member' Organization Role. This can be changed on the Users Panel.
  • Users with a Reviewer license will automatically be assigned the Reviewer Organization role and will only be able to obtain roles in Projects, such as Reviewer or Viewer.

Search User

  1. Select License Type on the Left Sidebar.
  2. Hover mouse cursor over Users Table header to reveal magnifying glass.
  3. Select Magnifying Glass so the 'Search for User' Field pops up.
  4. Enter name, table will populate results as typing occurs.
  5. Select 'Close Search' header to close out Query field.

Remove User

  1. Select the License Type from the Left Sidebar.
  2. Locate the user in the table or use the Search feature to quickly find them.
  3. Click the Remove Icon next to the user.

Revoke a License

image-png-Sep-03-2024-07-54-47-4064-PMIf a user does not log out of Innoslate, their active session may occupy a floating license, delaying access for others. Admins can revoke this license by clicking the Revoke icon in the Revoke License column for inactive users, freeing it for others. This often occurs when users close their browser or Innoslate tabs without logging out via their Profile Menu.