Admin Management

Mastering Admin Management: License, Team, User, and Role Management in Innoslate

Concepts Available in this Section

Feature Description
Managing Users Learn how to effectively manage users in Admin Management, enabling you to add, remove, and modify user accounts
Managing Roles Learn how to effectively manage roles in the Admin Management section, granting and assigning specific permissions
Managing Teams Learn how to effectively manage teams in the Admin Management section, allowing you to create, organize, and assign team members
Managing Licenses Learn how to effectively manage licenses in Admin Management, ensuring proper allocation, renewal, and utilization of licenses

Managing Users

This panel shows the authorized users for the Organization. The user’s names and usernames are shown here.

user table admin dashboard

Adding a user to the Organization

add user icon


To add a user, just select the blue plus button on the top right of the panel to get the pop-up menu shown below. You can use this dialog to add the user by their username or email address. Note: After entering the username, hit enter. This will allow it to be captured by the form. You can also choose the type of license and their organizational role. When adding a user to an organization, you have the option to grant them organizational roles which include Admin, Member, or Reviewer. Granting a user an Admin role provides them with access to the organization's Admin Dashboard, allowing them to administer the organization's users and access all projects created within the organization. Members of an organization can create projects and view projects that have been shared with them. Please note, the Reviewer organizational role is automatically assigned to users who have a reviewer license type. 


The form will look like this:

add user window


Once you click “Add”, the user will be added to the User table on the Admin Dashboard.

confirm user added admin dashboard


To remove a user from an organization just click the X in their row.

remove user admin dashboard


Tutorial Video

Managing Project Roles

Roles in Innoslate Admin Dashboard

This panel above allows for the creation, deletion, and customization of Project Roles within Innoslate.

When owners of a project share a project (modal below), owners will select the user's role with the Share button on the top black ribbon of their project. A modal will pop up for an owner to select the users or teams to share with and select their role in the project.

share a project

By default, Innoslate roles are: 
  • Owner (the only role that can do all the roles below as well as baseline a document, share and delete the project, create a test cycle and unlock an entity), 
  • Collaborator (can read comment and make modifications to entities only), 
  • Reviewer (can comment and read), 
  • Viewer (read only). 
Roles in Innoslate Admin Dashboard

Note, if a user is an Admin to the organization (or the SuperAdmin), they are automatically given the Owner rights to all projects within it.

Add Roles to your Organization

To add a new role, select the blue plus button shown below.

Add role


Then a modal with the name and description of the role will appear. After entering a name click “Create” to add the role.

create role window


You can adjust any of these roles by clicking on them. This will open the Roles Dashboard. See Manage Roles below.

Roles Dashboard

roles dashboard


To change these permissions for the role, select the pencil button.

edit role icon


You can then check or uncheck the permissions and then update those values. You can also completely remove the role by clicking the red trash can button at the top of the panel. 

The individual permissions for Roles are explained below:

  • Read-  the ability to view the whole project
  • Write- the ability to modify entities
  • Modified Schema-  the ability to modify the schema editor for the project
  • Create Baseline- the ability to baseline a Document 
  • Review- the ability to comment
  • Create Test Cycles- the ability to create test cycles for a Test Suite
  • Force Unlock- the ability to unlock any locked entity anytime
  • Share- the ability to share the project with other users in the organization

Managing Teams

This panel enables the creation and modification of teams. If a team has been defined, you can edit it by clicking on the team name.

Teams - Admin Dashboard

Adding Teams to the Organization

To create a new team, just press the blue plus button in the panel shown in the image below.

add team


That provides a pop-up dialog for you to put the name and description of the team. Press the “Create” button in this dialog and you will create the team.

Teams Dashboard

Click on the Team name to be directed to the Teams Dashboard.

teams dashboard


You can add new members of the team using the blue plus button, which will display a modal of users to add to the team.

add user to team

From here you can remove members of the team by clicking the “X” next to the person.

Note also that you can also completely remove the team by clicking the red trash can button at the top of the panel.

Managing Licenses

This panel controls the date of expiration for the current organization as well as assigned global licenses to the organization.

License Table


To edit the License panel, click the pencil icon as shown below. Note: This feature is only available in Innoslate Enterprise.

License - Open - Admin Dashboard


If the license file provided other options, such as Floating or either type of Reviewer, then you can put the user from the User Panel into any of these License Types. Note that you must assign specific users from the User Panel to each license type.


Select a user license type to be directed to the License Dashboard.

License Dashboard

user/license dashbaord

From the License Dashboard, you can manage users of each license type. You may add/remove a user, and if their license is Floating, you may revoke the license if needed.


To continue learning about Administration's User Guide, Click Here.

(Next Article: License Types)