Admin's Licences and Users

Manage Project Roles

Create and manage Projects Roles within Innoslate.

Project Roles Know your permissions for Project Roles.
Roles Panel Overview of Admin Dashboard Roles Panel 
Roles Dashboard Manage Roles on the Roles Dashboard.

Within Innoslate, Organization Admins can create and personalize Project Roles for their organization, enabling smooth teamwork and permission access for all members.

Project Roles

The 'Roles' Panel on the Admin Dashboard enables customization of Project Roles in Innoslate. These roles are specifically designed for users holding the Organization Role of 'Member'. This distinction is important as Admins or SuperAdmins automatically have 'Owner' rights to all projects within the organization.

When collaborating on projects, users can assign specific roles to team members. These Project Roles can be easily managed through the Roles Panel. Organization administrators have complete control over creating and customizing roles within their organization.

Innoslate's Project Roles can have any combination of the following 8 project permissions:

  • Read-  the ability to view the whole project
  • Write- the ability to create, delete and modify entities
  • Modified Schema-  the ability to modify the schema editor for the project
  • Create Baseline- create/delete Baseline for a Document
  • Review- the ability to Comment
  • Create Test Cycles- create/delete Test Cycle
  • Force Unlock- the ability to unlock any locked entity anytime
  • Share- the ability to share the project with other users within your Innoslate organization

Out of the box, Innoslate provides the following Project Roles automatically: 

  • Owner- the sole role with complete access to all 8 permissions
  • Collaborator- can Read, Write and Review
  • Reviewer- Read & Review
  • Viewer- Read only

Roles Panel

Roles in Innoslate Admin Dashboard

The Roles Panel, located on the Admin Dashboard, serves as a convenient hub for reviewing, adding, and removing roles within the organization.

Adding Roles from the Roles Panel

1) Hover your mouse over the header so the Add Role icon appears.

2) Select the 'Add Role' icon, so the 'Add a Role' prompt appears. create role window

3) Enter a Name (required) and Description (optional) and select “Create”.

Newly added Roles from the Roles Panel are defaulted to give the 'Read' Permission from the Roles Panel. To modify the Role more:

5) Select on the Role to hyperlink to the Roles Dashboard.

6) Find the New Role's Panel on the Dashboard, hover over the header so the modify icon appears.

7) Select the pencil icon to unlock the panel.  

8) Select/Deselect permissions as desired. 

9) Select 'Update' to save the modifications.

Roles Dashboard

roles dashboard

The Roles Dashboard gives Organization Admins full access to add/remove and modify a Project Role. 

Navigate to Roles Dashboard

To access the Roles Dashboard:

1) Navigate to the Admin Dashboard.

2) Find the 'Roles' Panel.

3) Select any one of the Roles to hyperlink to the Roles Dashboard.

Add a New Role

1) Select 'New Role' on the top right, right below the Navigation Bar.

2) 'Add New Role' Window will apear to create  

Modify Role Permissions

1) Find the desired Role's Panel and hover your mouse over the header so the 'Edit Role' and 'Delete Role' icons will appear.  

2) Select the 'Edit Role' icon.

3) Select/Deselect permissions as desired.

4) Select Update.

Delete a Role 

1) Find the desired Role's Panel and hover your mouse over the header so the 'Edit Role' and 'Delete Role' icons will appear.  

2) Select the 'Delete Role' icon.

3) A prompt will appear for confirmation. Select 'Confirm Delete'.