Test Suites View

Test Suite Features and Settings

An oveview of Features and Settings in Test Suite View.

Auto Number How to Auto Number a Test Suite.
Create a Test Cycle Capture a snapshot of your test cases before resetting.
Reset a Test Cycle How to reset a Test Suite's results.
Acronym Extractor Extract Test Suite Acronyms for team reference.
Find & Replace Find and Replace text for easy editing.
Search & Settings Searching Test Suite and using settings options.

More dropdown in test suite view

Below we will explore the various features available under the 'More' option in Test Suite View.

Auto Number

auto number in test suite view

Auto numbering in Innoslate allows for the application of sequential numbers to entities within a Test Suite, based on their hierarchical structure. This feature can be accessed by clicking on the 'More' dropdown in Test Suite View. Once selected a pop-up window will appear, allowing users to specify the starting number (defaults to 1 if left blank) and add a prefix, or choose to only add a prefix to the existing numbering scheme of the Test Suite.

auto number window in test suite view

Note this will only add to the number field of an entity. To find and replace within the number field, use the Find and Replace feature.

Users may also use the Auto Number feature for just a certain section of the document by clicking on a parent entity within the Test Suite and clicking on 'More' then 'Auto Number.' Doing so will bring up the following window so users may selecto to re-number and/or add a prefix for that particular section of the Test Suite:

auto number input window in test suite view

Test Cycle

new test cycle in test suite view

Creating a Test Cycle for a Test Suite captures a snapshot of the Test Suite's entities, relationships, and attributes. To create a Test Cycle, select the 'Test Cycle' option under the 'More' button on the top toolbar. Please note that only users who have the role of 'Owner' in the project are able to create a Test Cycle for a Test Suite.

A window will appear to name the Test Cycle, as displayed below. 

The pop up will also include a toggle to be able to "Add Signature" in two ways: 1) Draw Signature 2) Generate Signature. For more on the e-signature, please see: e-signature

Click 'Create.'

The Test Cycle will be available to reference on the left sidebar under the 'Test Cycles' tab.

Reset Test Cycle

reset test cycle in test suite view

Once a Test Cycle is saved, users may use the 'Reset Test Cycle' option to clear their 'Actual Result' attributes and change the 'Status' attribute to 'Not Run.' BEfore the changes happen, a window will pop up to warn users this happems. To continue with the reset, click 'Save and Reset.'

reset test cycle confirmation in test suite view

Acronym Extractor

acronym extractor in test suite view

The Acronym Extractor feature in Innoslate enables users to extract all acronyms from a Test Suite and compile them into a separate document, along with their corresponding full names.

Select the ‘Acronym Extractor’ button located in the menu of the document. When users select the 'Acronym Extractor' option, a popup will appear, allowing users to choose the 'Extraction Options' and the 'Confidence Level' under the 'Setup'  tab. The 'Extraction Options' determine which fields the extractor will use to extract acronyms from the document's entities. While the extractor will display all acronyms for the corresponding confidence level, the 'Confidence Level' selected in this step will be the one initially displayed in step 3.
Step1 options Acronym Extractor Pop Up

  • A 95% Confidence level means that the acronym is found multiple times in the document with a possible detected definition.
  • A 65% Confidence level means that an acronym is found once with a possible detected definition.
  • A 40% Confidence level means that an acronym was found but there was not a definition detected with it.
After selecting ‘Next,’ the ‘Acronym Extractor’ will move on to the 'Extract' tab and show the number of acronyms discovered.
Step2 Acronym Extractor Pop Up
The extracted results can be found under the 'Validate' tab, as shown in the image below. Users have the option to expand or collapse the confidence levels and review the entity from which the acronym originated within the document (indicated by the red squares in the image) . This includes the entity's id, attribute field, and location.
The name field, indicated by the red arrow, will display the detected name. Users have the ability to edit this field. After validating the results and making any necessary modifications, select the acronyms desired to include in the acronyms document, as indicated by the red circle, and click 'Next' to proceed with the final steps.
Step3 Acronym Extractor Pop Up
In the ‘Generate’ tab there are options to apply to the selected acronyms, such as where they will be stored, the traceability of the acronyms, and hyperlink the chosen acronyms to the acronym document.
  • Under ‘Acronym Document’ users can select which document to add the acronyms to. Those options include adding acronyms to that specific document’s acronym document or to an overall project’s acronym document.
  • Under ‘Traceability’ users can select to create traceability from the acronyms to the current document to the acronym document.
  • Under ‘Hyperlinks Creation’ users can select to create hyperlinks to those acronyms in the document.

Step4 Acronym Extractor Pop Up

Upon selecting the 'Create' button, Innoslate users will be redirected to the Acronyms Document, where they will find all of the acronyms they have selected. Note, the Acronyms Document is placed on the Documents Dashboard.

Acronyms Document Docs View

Find and Replace

find and replace in test suite view

The 'Find and Replace' feature allows Innoslate users to find and replace certain words or phrases within the document.After selecting 'Find and Replace' under the 'More' button, a pop-up window will appear, allowing users to choose which entity attributes to use for finding the words or phrases. This dropdown will allow users to select any combination of the 'Name.' 'Number' or 'Description' fields. Provide the text to search for using the 'Find' field, then provide the new text with the 'Replace' field. Make the search case-sensitive by turning the 'Match Case' toggle on. Click 'Next' for the results.

find and replace window in test suite view

In the 'Results' tab, a list of entities with instances of the word searched for will be displayed.

find and replae confirmation in test suite view

From here, select which entities should be replaced. Use 'Check All' to select or unselect all the instances. Or users may select individual entities to update with the blue check marks to the left of the found entity.
Note, the initial 50 results will be automatically shown. If there are more than 50 results, a 'Load More' button will be at the bottom to view additional entities.

Find and replace results docs view

To replace only the entities that have been loaded in the window, choose the 'Only Save Visible' toggle. If this option is disabled, it will replace all entities, regardless of whether they are in the popup or not.
If there are entities in the document that cannot be edited, select the 'Show Editable Only' toggle so that only entities that can accept the replace will display.

Click 'Apply' once complete and the replacement will execute.

Search & Settings

search field and settings test suite view


The 'Search' Field, indicated by the red box below, provides users with the ability to search for specific words or phrases within the name, number, and description fields of the entities in the document.

search field in test suite view

Upon entering a query, like below:

search nav indicator test suite view

the Test Suite will highlight the entities that contain the search query. In the example above, the query 'vehicle' is found in 8 entities within the Test Suite(indicated by the red square in the image above). These entities are highlighted in the document (image below). The first highlighted entity, highlighted in orange, represents the initial focus of the search results. By using the up and down arrows next to the search field results (image above), the orange highlight will move to the corresponding entity. To close the search and remove the highlighted entities, simply click the red 'X' (image above).

highlighted search results test suite view


test suite view settings menu

The Settings dropdown is the wriench icon on the top right corner of Test Suite View. The above dropdown appears  so users may 'Collapse All' or 'Expand All' children Test Cases so only parent Test Cases appear.

Users may also use 'Reset View' to bring the Test Suite back to defaulted view (expanded and with the Entity, Expected Result, ACtual Result, Status and Status Roll Up columns.

Display options will allow users to modify their Test Suite View. A window will pop up for users to  add more attribute columns to their view (all applicable options are provided in the image below). 

test suite view display settings window

Within the General section of the Display Settings Pop Up, users have the ability to configure various aspects of Test Suite View.

Users have the option to choose their focus when selecting a Test CAse. The 'Focus' dropdown options are 'Name', 'Number' or 'Description.'

The options below the 'Focus' dropdown can be turned on or off  with the toggles next to them. These options are listed below with their descriptions. 

  • 'Always use Test Suite's meta value for number' Instead of displaying the manually entered numbers in the number field, this toggle allows for the use of meta numbering specifically for that document. This makes it easier for users to reference the entities. To revert back to the manually entered numbering, simply toggle off this option.
  • 'Always show Test Suite in paper mode' This feature will display your Test Suite in a paper-like format. However, please note that enabling this toggle will limit the data visible to only 'Name', 'Number', and 'Description' fields. If you want to view attributes and other metadata, users should deselect this option.
  • 'Capture image of Test Suite when saving or leaving' This toggle refreshes the thumbnail image of the Test Suite's Test Suite card on the Test Center Dashboard.
  • 'Keep horizontal scroll position when selecting an entity' This feature enables seamless navigation, ensuring that the horizontal scroll remains fixed even when scrolling vertically.