Sopatra Monte Carlo Simulator

Sopatra‘s ‘Monte Carlo Simulator’ allows for a realistic analysis of a system or project’s cost, schedule, and performance.

Sopatra‘s ‘Monte Carlo Simulator’ allows for a realistic analysis of a system or project’s cost, schedule, and performance. This simulator utilizes the same modeling techniques and technologies as the ‘Discrete Event Simulator’, but removes inherent uncertainty. This is accomplished by running the simulation repeatedly with different, random seeds to achieve a more comprehensive view of the model. An example of the results generated by running the ‘Monte Carlo Simulator’ is shown below:



The simulator consists of a sidebar to the left and a set of panels to the right which can be shown, hidden, re-sized, and sorted in any order to best meet your needs. By default, the simulator displays the following panels: ‘Status,’ ‘ToP Bar Chart,’ ‘AOTW Bar Chart,’ ‘ToP and AOTW Probability Function,’ ‘ToP vs AOTW (Scatter Plot),’ and ‘PBT Bar Chart.’


The Monte Carlo Simulator features in Sopatra are exactly the same as Innoslate‘s. The Monte Carlo Simulator’s features can be found on the Monte Carlo Simulator page.

Note: The ‘Classic Simulator’ is the older version of the simulator and is not available in Sopatra.

Available Panels

Within the ‘Monte Carlo Simulator,’ there are four (2) categories of panels, listed below, which are available to be displayed.

Time Panels


Other Panels


Note: Status Panel includes duration summaries of ToP, AOTW, PBT, and PFtC.

Available Settings

The Monte Carlo Simulator settings in Sopatra are exactly the same as Innoslate. The Monte Carlo Simulator’s settings can be found on the Monte Carlo Simulator page.

Note: Once the simulation has started running, only the Display Mode option can be changed.


To continue learning about Sopatra Simulators, Click Here.

(Next Article: Sopatra Discrete Event Simulator)