Import Analyzer

Importing Plain Text (.txt) Files

Import Plain Text (.txt) Files into Innoslate through the Import Analyzer.

Open the ‘Import Analyzer‘ and select the ‘Plain Text (.txt)’ tab.

import analyzer txt 1

Enter a name for your new document artifact.

import analyzer txt 2

Select from the drop-down which schema-based class of entities should be created by default from importing the text. Search or scroll within the drop-down to find your desired class.

import analyzer txt 3

Select which outline format matches your text.

import analyzer txt 4

Click the ‘Next’ button to proceed to Step 2.

import analyzer txt 5

Copy/paste your text into the rich text editor and modify the text as needed.

import analyzer txt 6

Click the ‘Next’ button to proceed to Step 3.

import analyzer txt 7

Verify that the preview of the import is what you were expecting. To finish the import process and save the entities to your current project’s database, click the ‘Save’ button. To go back, modify your text and try importing again, click the ‘< Prev’ button to return to the previous step in the process.

import analyzer txt 8


To continue learning about Import Analyzer, Click Here.

(Next Article: Importing UML/SysML (.xmi) Files)