General Widgets

Image Card Widget

Display a summary of information about a Chart, Compilation, Diagram, Document, DoDAF Product, UAF View or Test Suite with an Image Card Widget.

The ‘Image Card‘ widget displays a summary of information about a Chart, Compilation, Diagram, Document, DoDAF Product, UAF View or Test Suite (collectively referred to as Visualizations) of your choosing. This information displayed includes the root entity’s ‘Name’, ‘Number’, ‘Description’, labels, and the image associated with the resulting product.

These widgets can be displayed on various Dashboards within Innoslate. Depending on the specific dashboard where a widget is being added, certain 'Image Card' options may not be available. For example, the Test Center Dashboard only permits Test Suite cards to be added, while other choices will not be present. Only the Project Dasboard in Innoslate will allow any combination of these Image Card Widgets. 


Adding an ‘Image Card’ Widget

1.   From the desired dashboard, click the ‘ Add Widget’ button typically located in the top right corner of Innoslate’s user interface.

add widget project dash

2.   Once clicked, the ‘Adding Widget’ modal will appear. From here, choose the card type to be added to the current dashboard. The dropdown menu displays the available card types for the current dashboard: ‘Chart Card’, 'Compilation Card', ‘Diagram Card’, ‘DoDAF Card’, ‘Document Card’, 'UAF Card', or ‘Test Suite Card’. We will be using 'Diagram Card' for this example.


3.   Choose a ‘Diagram Type’ by clicking the dropdown and selecting a diagram option from the available menu.


4.   Choose an existing root entity whose diagram you wish to display in the ‘Image Card’ widget. Easily search the project database in the ‘Adding Widget’ modal to quickly find the desired entity.


5.   Once a root entity is selected, the ‘Adding Widget’ modal will display a preview of the entity’s Visualization image. Click ‘Add’ to add the widget to the current dashboard.


6.   There should now be a new ‘Image Card’ displayed for the selected root entity’s ‘Name’, ‘Number’, ‘Description’, labels, and the image previewed in the previous step. The ‘Diagram Type’ or root entity selection can be changed at any time by hovering over the widget and clicking the gear icon.

Note: The ‘Image Card’ widget choice itself cannot be changed in this way. If you wish to change from ‘Diagram’ to ‘Document’, for example, you must remove the widget and add a new ‘Document Card’ widget.


Downloading Image

Download the current image of an ‘Image Card’ widget by hovering over the widget, clicking the ‘Download Reports’ icon, then clicking ‘Download Image’ from the dropdown menu.


Adjusting the Footer

‘Image Card’ widgets have a special adjustable footer to control how much of the image vs how much of the entity description and labels you wish to be displayed in the ‘Image Card’ widget. To adjust the footer, hover the mouse over the footer border, click and drag it up or down as demonstrated below.


Editing the Root Entity

To edit the name, number, description, or labels of the root entity, hover your mouse over the widget header to reveal the header buttons. Click on the ‘ Edit Entity‘ button.



This will open a modal to edit the root entity information. When done click ‘Save‘ to update the ‘Image Card’ widget and persist the changes to the project database.


Refreshing Image

Some of the ‘Image Card’ widgets (All Diagrams, XY Plot, and Risk Burndown) allow for a refresh of the image to capture the latest changes made to the Chart or Diagram. To do this, hover your mouse over the widget header to reveal the header buttons. Click on the  Refresh Image’ button.


After a moment, the image in the ‘Image Card’ widget will update to reflect the most up-to-date state of the Chart or Diagram.


Deleting the Visualization

To delete a Visualization, hover your mouse over the widget header to reveal the header buttons. Click the ‘ Delete’ button.


A modal will pop up to confirm you wish to permanently remove this Visualization and all of its associated data from your project. Click ‘Confirm Delete.’


Note: Deleting the Visualization is NOT the same as removing the ‘Image Card’ widget from the dashboard. If you want to just remove the widget from the dashboard but keep the Visualization intact, visit the ‘Widgets‘ page to learn how.


To continue learning about General Widgets, Click Here.

(Next Article: Wiki Widgets)