Wiki Widget

View useful information on your project with the Wiki Widget.

The ‘Wiki’ widget offers a space to provide useful information to users of the project. There are two types of ‘Wiki’ widgets: ‘Project Wiki‘ and ‘Wiki‘. More information on the difference between the two widgets is below, but the steps for adding and editing both ‘Wiki’ widgets are the same, so for the examples, we will use the ‘Project Wiki’.


Project Wiki

If you are a project owner, you are able to add a ‘Project Wiki’ widget that displays the project’s description and provides pertinent project information to the other users. You can only have one ‘Project Wiki’ widget on the dashboard at a time.


The other option is the ‘Wiki’ that any user on the project can add to their own ‘Project Dashboard’ layout. This widget can be used at the individual user’s convenience for keeping notes and other information about the project. The content added to this ‘Wiki’ is only shown on the creating user’s dashboard unless the widget is specifically saved to the project preferences.

Adding a ‘Wiki’ Widget

1.   From your Project Dashboard, click the ‘ Add Widget’ button.

add widget project dashboard


2.   The ‘Adding Widget’ modal will appear. Select ‘Project Wiki‘.



3.   Click ‘Add’ to add the widget to the dashboard.


Editing a ‘Wiki’ Widget

1.   From your Project Dashboard, hover over the ‘Project Wiki Widget’. This should reveal a light border around its content. Click anywhere inside the border to edit the wiki content.

Note: For the ‘Project Wiki’, you must be a project owner to edit the wiki, and thus see the border when hovering over it.



2.   The ‘Edit Wiki Content’ modal will pop up. From here you can use the text input and its accompanying toolbar to alter the wiki content however you see fit. You can add bold/italics/underline to text, change the text/highlight color, insert images/links/lists/tables/diagram images, and more.



3.   Click ‘Save‘ to confirm your ‘Wiki’ changes.



4.   The ‘Project Wiki’ widget should now be updated with the new changes. 
