General Widgets

Wiki Widget

View useful information on your project with the Wiki Widget.

The 'Wiki' widget provides a detailed HTML text area for sharing valuable information with project users. There are two types of 'Wiki' widgets available: 'Project Wiki' and 'Wiki'. While we'll focus on 'Project Wiki' for our examples, the steps for adding and editing both types of widgets remain the same.


Project Wiki

If you are a project owner, you are able to add a ‘Project Wiki’ widget that displays the project’s description and provides pertinent project information to the other users. You can only have one ‘Project Wiki’ widget on the dashboard at a time.


Another option available is the Wiki widget, which can be added by any user to their Project Dashboard. This widget can be used multiple times and is convenient for users to keep notes and other project-related information. The content added to this Wiki widget is only visible on the creator's dashboard, unless specifically toggled to be saved to the project preferences.

Adding a ‘Wiki’ Widget

1.   From your Project Dashboard, click the ‘ Add Widget’ button.

add widget project dashboard


2.   The ‘Adding Widget’ modal will appear. Select ‘Wiki‘.


3.   Title your Wiki Widget and click 'Add' to publish it to your Project Dashboard. Toggle 'Save to Project' so that the widget is visible to all users who have access to the project.

Editing a Wiki Widget

1. Select the Wiki widget.

4. The Edit Wiki Content modal will apear so you may enter your information. For a full overview of the functionality of this field please see our detailed article here.

5.   Click ‘Save‘ to confirm your Wiki changes.

6.   The Wiki widget should now be updated with the new changes. 


Lock, Edit, Remove the Wiki Widget

You may secure the widget's location on the Project Dashboard with the lock icon. Edit the Wiki's title with the gear icon and remove it with the Close 'X' icon.

To edit the Wiki widget again, simply click anywhere within the widget's white space underneath the header. This will allow you to make changes to the content of the Wiki widget itself.