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- Communications Widgets
Comments Feed Widget
Display comments that have been made on any entity within your project with the Comments Feed Widget.
The ‘Comments Feed’ widget displays comments that have been made on any entity within an Innoslate project.
Adding a ‘Comments Feed’ Widget
The Comments Feed Widget automatically shows up on the Project Dashboard when new comments are added. These steps are for projects where the Comments Feed was removed and needs to be added back. Keep in mind, if there are no comments on any entities in the project, the 'Comments Feed' option won't be accessible.
1. From your Project Dashboard, click the ‘ Add Widget’ button.
2. The ‘Adding Widget’ modal will appear. Select ‘Comments Feed’.

3. Customize your ‘Comments Feed’ widget by editing the Widget Title, selecting a ‘Comments Filter’ (either All, Resolved, or Unresolved) and a From and To Date. Toggle the 'Save to Project' option on the top right to appear in everyone's project. Once you have your desired settings, click ‘Add’ to add the widget to the dashboard.

Comments Feed Icons
When hovering over the Comments Feed widget, three icons will appear at the top and are further explained below.
Lock- secures the Comments Feed Widget's settings and location on the Project Dashboard.
-Removes the Widget off the Project Dashboard.
This icon will open a new window to allow users to edit the Widget Title, select a ‘Comments Filter’ (either All, Resolved, or Unresolved), Filter by User, and select a From and To Date. Toggle the 'Save to Project' option on the top right to appear in everyone's project. Once you have your desired settings, click ‘Set’ to update the widget.
Comments Feed Report
Users can export a CSV file of the comments in an Innoslate Project by accessing the Database View.
To continue learning about Communications Widgets, Click Here.
(Next Article: Change Request Widgets)