SysML Diagrams

SysML Frame Diagram Header

Below we will discuss the SysML Frame's Diagram Header in further detail.

sysml frame diagram header

The SysML Diagram Frame is the green space, as shown above, that encloses a SysML diagram's constructs. On the top left of the Diagram Frame, is a rectangle with the right lower corner cut off with text inside called the Diagram Header. The text provides further information for the diagram it corresponds to. The below image describes the text information provided in the header.

The Diagram Header follows this format:

Diagram Kind [Model Element Type] Model Element Name [Diagram Name]

In the following sections, we will provide a comprehensive explanation of each section found in the Diagram Header.

⚠️Kindly note that this page provides an overview of the SysML Frame Diagram Header in a general context. To modify the header of a specific SysML Diagram, simply go to the corresponding diagram's settings and modifications page to follow the necessary steps for that specific diagram.

Diagram Kind

The Diagram Kind is an abbreviation indicating the kind of diagram used in the Frame in Innoslate. When users create a SysML diagram, the following abbreviation will be applied in this part of the Diagram Header for that diagram. This portion of the text in the header can only be changed if opening the diagram into another SysML Diagram.

The abbreviations for the SysML Diagram Kind are below:

  • Activity Diagram- act
  • Block Definition Diagram- bdd
  • Internal Block Diagram- ibd
  • Package Diagram- pkg
  • Parametric Diagram- par
  • Requirement Diagram- req
  • Sequence Diagram- sd
  • State Machine Diagram- stm 
  • Use Case Diagram- uc

Model Element Type

The Model Element Type is the type of model element to which the diagram frame corresponds to. This can be different kinds of Model elements and usually dependent on the Diagram Kind. The Model Element Type will always be in brackets and can be changed in the SysML Diagram's settings in Innoslate. 

Below are all the different Model Element Types available in Innoslate. Below is a guide to the Model Element Type by diagram:

  • Activity Diagram- activity
  • Block Definition Diagram- block, constraint block. package, model, model library
  • Internal Block Diagram- block
  • Package Diagram- package, model, model library, profile, view
  • Parametric Diagram- activity, block, constraint block
  • Requirement Diagram- package, model, model library, requirement
  • Sequence Diagram- interaction
  • State Machine Diagram- state machine
  • Use Case Diagram- package, model, model library

Model Element Name

The Model Element Name refers to the name of a parent entity that users can define to succinctly describe the purpose of the diagram. This allows for a clearer understanding of the diagram's objective. The Model Element Name can be changed in the SysML Diagram's settings in Innoslate.

Diagram Name

The Diagram Name is the last text grouping in brackets in the SysML Diagram Header. The text in this space is determined by the diagram's root entity in Innoslate. When users create a new diagram or open an entity into a SysML diagram the root entity's name will be here. The Diagram Name in the header can be changed when the user changes the name of the root entity.