Learn to change or reset Your Innoslate password at any time through our services.
Concepts Available in this Section
Feature | Description |
Change Password | Change your password in Innoslate through your account to help maintain the security of your account. |
Reset Password | Reset your password through Innoslate Services to regain access to your account in case you've forgotten your existing password or need to set a new one. |
Changing Your Password
Once you have created an account with Innoslate, you can change the password associated with your user account at any time.
1. Within Innoslate, click the ‘User Account‘ drop-down menu, located at the top right-hand corner of your navigation bar, displayed as a green circle with your first name's initial.

2. Click ‘Change Password.’
3. This opens the ‘Change Your Password’ menu, where you can update your Innoslate user account password. Enter your Current Password, your New Password, then retype the new password for confirmation.
Hint: You can toggle the eye icon to show/hide the password if you want to make sure you have entered your desired password correctly.
4. Click the ‘Save’ button to apply your Innoslate user account password change.
Hint: The password strength meter located under the 'New Password' input will assist you in creating a more secure and robust password. By hovering over the blue info icon, you will discover the recommended criteria for crafting a more resilient and fortified password.
Remember! The next time you sign in to Innoslate, you will need to use your new password.
Reset Your Password
If you are unable to recall your Innoslate password, you have the convenient option to reset it.
1. On the ‘Sign into Innoslate’ screen, click the ‘Forgot Password?’ link, located at the bottom right of the dialog.

2. This opens the ‘Having trouble signing in?’ screen, where you can request that your Innoslate account password be reset. Type in the ‘Username or email address’ associated with your Innoslate account and click the ‘Continue’ button.
3. If you have an active account with Innoslate Cloud and have entered a valid username/email address, you will see an alert within the dialog, letting you know an email has been sent to you with instructions for resetting your password.
4. Check your email; you should receive an email from Innoslate <noreply@innoslate.com> with the subject: “Reset your Innoslate account.” If you don’t see the email, be sure to check your Spam folder, as sometimes these emails can mistakenly end up there. If you still have not received an email from us within two hours, please contact support.
- For users of Innoslate GovCloud, it is crucial to be aware that the email system is disabled in this environment to prioritize security. If you require the password reset link for your Innoslate GovCloud account, please reach out to Innoslate Support for your account's 'Reset Password' link.
- For users of Innoslate Enterprise, if your email system is not yet configured for your environment, your system administrator can retrieve your 'Reset Password' link from the Support Dashboard.
5. On the ‘Reset your Password’ screen, you will be asked to 'Create' and 'Confirm' your new password. Be sure to enter the same password twice, then click the ‘Reset Password’ button to be redirected to the ‘Sign into Innoslate’ screen where you can now log in with your username and new password.

Tutorial Video
To continue learning about Your Innoslate Account, Click Here.
(Next Article: Two-Factor Authentication)