Organization Dashboard

Organization Dashboard Overview

Find your recent projects, a description of your organization, and a guided tour of Innoslate in the Organization Dashboard in Innoslate.

When you first log in to Innoslate, you will be automatically directed to your ‘Organization Dashboard,’ which serves as your organization’s home page. Here you will find your recent projects and a description of your organization in the Wiki Panel, as well as a guided tour to help you get started with Innoslate.


Navigating to Organization Dashboard

You will automatically be directed to your ‘Organization Dashboard’ upon logging in to Innoslate. If, however, you are already within a project and wish to return to your ‘Organization Dashboard,’ you may do so at any time by clicking your organization’s name (in this example ‘Demo’) in the breadcrumbs located at the top left of your Project Dashboard or most other project views.



If you have recently accessed a project within the organization you wish to navigate to, the project will show up in the ‘Switch Projects’ dropdown, in the top right corner . From here, click the name of the organization to navigate to its ‘Organization Dashboard’.


Available Functions

My Projects Widget

Here you will find direct links to your most recent projects, as well as links to create a ‘New Project‘, ‘Version Control‘ (aka ‘Branching’), and ‘Manage Projects.' The projects in this widget are sorted by name to make them easier to find.



Can’t find a project you’re looking for? Hover over the widget to reveal a magnifying glass icon in the top right corner of the widget. Clicking this icon reveals a search bar within the widget where you may search for the project by name (partial name searching is supported). To clear the search, click the large red ‘X’ button on the right-hand side of the search input.


Organization Wiki Panel

Here you will find a brief description of your organization if one has been provided. If you are an ‘Admin’ on the organization, clicking this box will enable you to edit the description you wish to show to other users in the organization.


Guided Tour

When you first sign up for Innoslate, you will notice a large blue banner at the top of your ‘Organization Dashboard’ that welcomes you and gives you the option to start a guided tour of Innoslate.

To continue to learn more about the Organization Dashboard features, learn about the Guided Tour here.