General Diagrams

I-Squared Diagram

Innoslate's I-Squared Diagram is a matrix used to visualize the relationships between Assets and Conduits.

Using I-Squared Diagrams

Function Description
Creating I-Squared Diagrams Using ‘Diagrams View’ in Innoslate, you can create a new ‘I-Squared Diagram.’
Viewing I-Squared Diagrams You can ‘View an I-Squared Diagram’ of any new or existing entity of the Asset class via the ‘Open’ drop-down menu, where available.
Adding an Asset An 'Asset' can be added to an ‘I-Squared Diagram’ via drag-and-drop.
Adding a Conduit A 'Conduit' can be added to an ‘I-Squared Diagram’ via drag-and-drop.
Removing an Entity An entity can be easily removed from an ‘I-Squared Diagram.’


isquared overview


The ‘I-Squared Diagram’ is a matrix used to visualize the relationships between Assets and Conduits. This diagram conforms to the LML Specification 1.2 definition of an ‘I-Squared Matrix.’

The ‘I-Squared Diagram’ is not composed of special diagram constructs. In fact, an ‘I-Squared Diagram’ can be generated by Innoslate on the fly based on the current contents of your project’s database. The ‘I-Squared Diagram’ is built using entities in the database of the ‘Asset’ and ‘Conduit’ classes. The assets display as blocks within the matrix, and the conduits show as text within the matrix.

Creating I-Squared Diagrams

Within the ‘Diagrams Dashboard,’ users can create a new diagram by clicking the ‘ New Diagram’ button in the top right corner of the page.

create diagram


Clicking the ‘ New Diagram’ button will open the New Diagram dialog where you will be directed through the process of creating a new diagram.

Create an I-Squared Diagram

  1. Choose Which Type of Diagram to Create

    In step 1, select ‘I-Squared Diagram,’ under ‘General,’ as your diagram type.

    select isquared diagram

  2. Click the ‘Next’ button.

    select confirm isquared diagram
  3. Specify New Root Asset Information

    In step 2, you will be prompted to input a diagram ‘Name’ (mandatory), ‘Number’ (optional), and ‘Description’ (optional). Then, click the ‘Finish’ button.

    create root entity for new isquared diagram

Viewing I-Squared Diagrams

In Innoslate, you can view an ‘I-Squared Diagram’ from wherever the ‘Open’ drop-down menu is available on the toolbar (Entity View, Database View, within a Diagram).

View an I-Squared Diagram

open to view isquared diagram

  1. Locate and click the ‘Open’ drop-down menu in the toolbar. Select ‘I-Squared Diagram.’
  2. This will navigate you to view an ‘I-Squared Diagram,’ where you can begin adding and removing entities. Click the ‘Save’ button located on the toolbar to persist your changes to your project’s database.

Adding an Asset Entity

add constructs

An 'Asset' entity can be added to an ‘I-Squared Diagram’ via drag-and-drop.

  1. Within an ‘I-Squared Diagram,’ ensure you do not currently have an Asset selected, and click the ‘Asset’ icon in the ‘New’ tab of the left sidebar and continue to hold down the left mouse button.

    select asset isquared diagram step 1
  2. Drag the ‘Asset’ icon over to the adjacent diagram canvas.
    add asset isquared diagram step 2
  3. Release the left mouse button while over the diagram canvas to drop the new ‘Asset’ and add it to the diagram.
    drop asset isquared diagram step 3

    Notice the ‘Asset’ stays selected once it has been dropped. Since it is selected, the toolbar changes to include buttons for functions that can be used on the construct. The sidebar also changes to show the ‘Metadata,’ ‘Attributes’ and ‘Relationships’ tabs.

  4. Enter a meaningful ‘Name’ for your new ‘Asset’ via the ‘Attributes’ tab of the left sidebar (focused automatically for convenience).
    name new asset isquared diagram step 4
  5. Click the ‘Save’ button located on the toolbar to persist your changes to your project’s database.
    save new asset isquared diagram step 5

* Note: The above process describes using the ‘New’ tab of the left sidebar, which automatically generates a new entity to represent each new block. If you would like to reuse existing entities from your database in your diagram, use the ‘Existing’ tab instead.

Adding a Conduit

A 'Conduit' entity can be added to an ‘I-Squared Diagram’ via drag-and-drop.

  1. Within an ‘I-Squared Diagram,’ ensure you have an Asset on the canvas first. Then click the ‘Conduit’ icon in the ‘New’ tab of the left sidebar and continue to hold down the left mouse button.
    select conduit isquared diagram step 1
  2. Drag the ‘Conduit’ icon over to the adjacent diagram canvas.

drag conduit isquared diagram step 2

3. Release the left mouse button while over the diagram canvas to drop the new ‘Conduit’ to your desired highlighted green box and add it to the diagram. The name will automatically change to indicate where the 'Conduit' connects to. Notice the ‘Asset’ stays selected once it has been dropped. Since it is selected, the toolbar changes to include buttons for functions that can be used on the construct. The sidebar also changes to show the ‘Metadata,’ ‘Attributes’ and ‘Relationships’ tabs.

drop conduit isquared diagram step 3a

When you drop a 'Conduit' onto the diagram, its name will automatically change to indicate the assets it is connected to. An example of the names automatically given for the Conduit connections are in the white boxes are in the image below. 

conduit autonames

4. Enter a meaningful ‘Name’ for your new ‘Asset’ via the ‘Attributes’ tab of the left sidebar     (focused automatically for convenience).

name conduit isquared diagram step 4

5. Click the ‘Save’ button located on the toolbar to persist your changes to your project’s database.

save conduit isquared diagram step 5


Removing an Entity

remove option isquared diagram

An entity can be easily removed from an ‘I-Squared Diagram.’

  1. Within an ‘I-Squared Diagram,’ select the construct you wish to remove. 
  2. Click the  ‘Remove’ button to remove the entity from the diagram.

    The  ‘Remove’ button also includes a drop-down menu where you can select ‘Delete from Database’ or the default option of ‘Remove from Diagram.’

remove options isquared diagram


To continue learning about General Diagrams, Click Here.

(Next Article: I-Squared Diagram Modifications & Settings)