Widgets Outline

General Widgets

Harnessing the Power of Essential Project Tools with Innoslate's General Widgets

General Widgets in Innoslate provide essential tools and information necessary for the successful management of a project. The versatility of General Widgets makes them integral for any project dashboard.

  • Compilation Card Widget: This widget allows you to view a summary of compiled data from different sources within your project. It provides an at-a-glance overview of key information, helping you make informed decisions and identify trends or issues early on.
  • Countdown Clock Widget: The Countdown Clock Widget is an effective tool for tracking time-sensitive tasks or events. It offers a real-time countdown to a specific date and time, helping keep project timelines and deadlines in clear view for all team members.

  • Any Diagram Card Widget: The Any Diagram Card Widget is designed to visualize relationships between different elements of a project. It allows users to create and display a wide variety of diagrams, from flowcharts and process diagrams to more complex system architecture diagrams.

  • Any Document Card Widget: This widget provides quick and easy access to any document in the project. It gives a brief overview of the document content and allows you to navigate directly to the full document, facilitating efficient document management.

  • DoDAF Card Widget: Tailored for projects that use the Department of Defense Architecture Framework (DoDAF), this widget displays a summary of a selected DoDAF model. It allows users to view and manage DoDAF data directly from the dashboard, increasing efficiency and accessibility.

  • Entity Table Widget: The Entity Table Widget displays a table of entities from your project, such as requirements, tasks, or issues. It provides a structured view of project data, allowing you to organize, sort, and filter information as needed.

  • Test Suite Card Widget: The Test Suite Card Widget offers a summary view of a test suite, providing essential information like the number of test cases, their statuses, and results. It simplifies the management of testing activities and allows for quick navigation to the full test suite.

  • Image Card Widget: The Image Card Widget lets you display an image directly on your dashboard, which can be a visual aid such as a logo, a diagram, a chart, or any other relevant picture. This can be useful for branding, illustrating concepts, or enhancing the visual appeal of your dashboard.

  • Project Wiki Widget: The Project Wiki Widget provides quick access to the project's wiki, a collaborative space where team members can create, share, and update project-related content. It serves as a centralized knowledge base, promoting effective information management and team collaboration.

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(Next Article: Communication Widgets)