
Full List of Reports

A comprehensive list of the available report types in the various sections of Innoslate.

Database View Reports

Report Type Description
Basic Tabular Output A full output of the entities in the database to a .csv file.
Comment Report A table of the user comments from the selected entities to a .xlsx file.
Entity Definition Report An output of all attributes, labels, and relationships for the selected entities to a .xlsx file.
Entity Relationship Matrix A matrix of the selected entities’ relationship to other entities through a single relationship.
Entity Table Report A full output of the entities in the database to a .csv file.
History Report An output of the history and changes of the selected entities to a .xlsx file.
Innoslate XML Output A full output of the database to a .xml file.
Note: XML files are only forwards compatible and must be imported to version or later.
Innoslate ZIP Output A full output of the database to a .inno file including files and images.
Reqif Output A full output of the database to a .reqif file.

Entity View Reports

Report Type Description
Comment Report A table of the user comments from the current entity to a .xlsx file.
Entity Definition Report An output of all attributes, labels, and relationships for the current entity to a .xlsx file.
Hierarchical Report Creates a report containing the root entity and all its children in a .docx file.
History Report An output of the history and changes of the current entity to a .xlsx file.

Diagram Reports

Report Name Description
Transparent Image (PNG) An output of a picture of the diagram with a transparent background to a .png file.
Opaque Image (PNG) An output of a picture of the diagram with a white background to a .png file.
Microsoft Word (DOCX) An output of a picture of the diagram to a .docx file.
Web Page (HTML) An output of a picture of the diagram to a .html file.
Vector Graphic (SVG) (Beta)
– W3C Standard SVG
W3C Standard compliant vector graphic output to an .svg file.
Vector Graphic (SVG) (Beta)
– Gliffy Compatible SVG
Gliffy compatible vector graphic output to an .svg file.

Documents View Reports

Report Name Description

Basic Document Output

The Basic Document Output report is a full output of the entities in the document to a .csv file.
Basic Tabular Output The Basic Tabular Output report is a full output of the entities in the database to a .csv file.
Document Export The Document Export report is a full output of the entities in the document to a .xml file.
Post Baseline Change Report The Post-Baseline Change Report is a report containing the changes since the last baseline to the document was created.
RVTM Report The Requirements Verification and Traceability Matrix is a table identifying which test cases verify each requirement.
VCRM Report The Verification Cross-Reference Matrix is a table identifying each requirement’s verification method(s).
RVM Report

The Requirements Verification Matrix is a table of requirements with the entities that verify each requirement as a .xlsx file.

RTM Report The Requirements Traceability Matrix is a table of requirements with the entities that trace to each requirement as a .xlsx file.
RSM Report The Requirements Satisfaction Matrix is a table of requirements with the entities that satisfy each requirement as a .xlsx file.

Discrete Event Simulator Reports

Report Name Description
Action Report A CSV output containing the action’s name, duration, and cost throughout the simulation.
Asset Utilization Report A CSV output containing the asset’s name and total time utilized throughout the simulation.
Resource Report A CSV output containing the resource’s name and max/min/final amounts after the simulation.
Detailed Resource Report A CSV output containing the resource’s name, current amounts and time throughout the simulation.

Monte Carlo Simulator Reports

Report Name Description
Simulation Report A CSV output containing each of the simulation’s cost and duration throughout the Monte Carlo simulation.
Action Report A CSV output containing each action’s name, duration, and cost throughout the Monte Carlo simulation.
Resource Report A CSV output containing each resource’s name and max/min/final amounts after each simulation.
Asset Utilization Report A CSV output containing each asset’s name and total time utilized throughout the Monte Carlo simulation.

Charts View

Transparent Image A PNG image of the corresponding chart.
Microsoft Word A DOCX image of the corresponding chart.
Web Page A HTML image of the corresponding chart.

Documents Dashboard

The below reports come from Document Cards on the Dashboard

Image A PNG image of the Document Card.
XML Output A XML Output of the entire Document.
INNO Output An INNO Output (zipped file, to include images and files) of the entire document.

Diagrams Dashboard

The below reports come from Diagram Cards on the Dashboard.

Image A PNG image of the Diagram Card.
XML A XML Output of the Diagram and its contents.
INNO An INNO Output (zipped file) of the Diagram and its contents.

The below reports come from the All Existing Widget on the Diagrams Dashboard. Note, if filters or the search are on in the widget, the report will output what is filtered or searched. Be sure to clear out the search and filters to output all the diagrams.

PPTX A Powerpoint report of the diagrams displayed in the widget.
DOCX A DOCX of the diagrams displayed in the widget.

Test Center Dashboard

The below reports come from Test Suite Cards on the Test Center Dashboard.

Image A PNG image of the Test Suite Card.
XML A XML Output of the Test Suite and included Test Cases.
INNO An INNO Output (zipped file) of the Test Suite and included Test Cases.

Project Management Dashboard

The following applies to the Document Card, Diagram Card, DoDAF Card, Charts Card, Compilation Card and Test Suite Card widgets.

Image A PNG image of the Card's image.
XML A XML Output of the corresponding Card and its contents.
INNO An INNO Output (zipped file) of the corresponding Card and its contents.

Compilations Dashboard

Image A PNG image of the Compilation Card's image.
XML A XML Output of the Compilation Card and its contents.
INNO An INNO Output (zipped file) of the Compilation Card and its contents.

Charts Dashboard

Image A PNG image of the Chart Card's image.
XML A XML Output of the Chart Card and its contents.
INNO An INNO Output (zipped file) of the Chart Card and its contents.

DoDAF Dashboard

The below reports come from DoDAF Cards on the Dashboard.

Image A PNG image of the DoDAF Card.
XML A XML Output of the whole DoDAF Product.
INNO An INNO Output (zipped file) of the whole DoDAF Product.

The below reports come from the All Existing Widget on the DoDAF Dashboard. Note, if filters or the search are on in the widget, the report will output what is filtered or searched. Be sure to clear out the search and filters to output all the diagrams.

PPTX A Powerpoint report of the DoDAF Products displayed in the widget.
DOCX A DOCX of the DoDAF Products displayed in the widget.

Schema Overview Dashboard

Below applies to the Schema Summary, Entity Class Summary, Workflow Summary and Entity Label Summary widgets.

Transparent Image A PNG image of the corresponding widget.
Opaque Image A PNG image of the corresponding widget.

Organization Schema Dashboard

Transparent Image A PNG image of the Schema Summary widget.
Opaque Image A PNG image of the Schema Summary widget.

GitHub Overview Dashboard

Below apples to the Commits Per Week Widget and Recent Commits Widget.

Transparent Image A PNG image of the corresponding widget.
Opaque Image A PNG image of the corresponding widget.

Projects Dashboard

The below applies to the  Compilation Card, DoDAF Card, Diagram Card, Document Card and Test Suite Card widgets.

Image A PNG image of the corresponding card's image.
XML A XML Output of the corresponding card and its contents.
INNO An INNO Output (zipped file) of the corresponding card and its contents.

The below applies to the Chart Card, Pie Chart and Bar Chart widgets. 

Transparent Image A PNG image of the corresponding widget.
Opaque Image A PNG image of the corresponding widget.

Below only applies to the Activity Feed Widget.

Activity Feed Report A CSV Output of the Project's Activities like modifications, updates and deletions (by user).