Manage Projects

Exporting Projects

Export your project(s) as .XML or .INNO files.

When Managing Projects in Innoslate, you have the option to export your project(s) as .XML or .INNO files. Exporting a project as an .XML file allows you to create a local backup of your data, containing the contents of your project which can then be re-imported at a later date if need be. If you export as a .INNO, you create a compressed archive file containing all of your project’s documents and photo files.

Exporting as an .XML file

On the ‘Manage Projects’ page, click the Export this project’ icon next to the project you wish to export. This will open a dialog box to finish your XML file export.

XMLButton export

From the dialog box, you may choose which settings you wish to use in the XML download. Once your settings are ready, click the ‘Export’ button to begin the download of your Innoslate XML file.

XMLButton export 2

Exporting as a .INNO file

On the ‘Manage Projects’ page, click the icon next to the project you wish to export. This will open a dialog box to finish your INNO file export.

InnoButton export

From the dialog box, you may choose which settings you wish to use in the INNO download. Once your settings are ready, click the ‘Export’ button to begin the download of your Innoslate INNO compressed archive file.

DownloadINNO export


To continue learning about Managing Projects, Click Here.

(Next Article: Shared Access Management)