Change Requests

Innoslate has change requests so that the project owner can approve or deny changes made by other users that are reviewers on the project.

Creating a Change Request

As a reviewer on a project, select the entity you would like to edit.

change request 1

Open the entity through the ‘Open’ dropdown menu and select ‘Entity View.’

change request 2

change request 3

Make the appropriate changes to the entity. Click ‘Create Change Request.’

change request 4

View your change request in the entity or through the Change Request Widget.

change request 5

Project Owners

The owner of the Innoslate project is the only role that can accept or deny change requests. By checking your notifications, the owner can navigate to the entity with the change request and from there, accept or reject the request on the left-hand panel.

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Tutorial Video


To continue learning about Entity View, Click Here.

(Next Article: Comment on Entities)