Update to Innoslate Enterprise v4.9

Follow these steps to update your Innoslate Enterprise instance to v4.9.

In order to update your Innoslate Enterprise installation, the user performing the update must have Administrator privileges on the machine where Innoslate is installed. Follow the steps outlined below for a successful update process.

⚠️If skipping versions to update and you are updating from 4.5 to 4.9.x.x, please contact Support as there are additional steps that need to be taken before proceeding with the update.

1. The most current version of the updater can be downloaded here.

2. Once the updater downloads be sure to open the .exe file as an administrator.

 run as administrator

3. Microsoft Windows Defender SmartScreen may prevent it from running. Click on 'More Info.'

4.9 updater step 2

4. The window will change . Click 'Run anyway.

4.9 updater step 3

5. Windows User Account Control may pop up to confirm changes to your device. If so, click 'Yes."

4.9 updater step 4

6. The Innoslate updater will start with a welcome page. Click 'Next' to continue.

4.9 updater step 5

7. Next, read and agree to the license agreement.

4.9 updater step 6

8. Next, locate where to place the installer on the machine under 'Destination Folder'. And click 'Install' to start the install process.

4.9 updater step 7

9. The updater will then install.

4.9 updater step 8

10. Then the Updater will pop up to confirm installation is complete.

4.9 updater step 9

11. If the 'Launch Innoslate' is checked in the window above, the Updater will then open a browser page to login to Innoslate. The login page is where users can see what version they're running. This is a great way to confirm the version has updated. The version number will be on the very bottom right, as indicated with the red circle in the image below. login page

Configuration Notes

If updating from the v4.8.1.1 installer, please take note that the Apache Tomcat 9 update allocated a very small amount of memory to Innoslate. This issue has been resolved in v4.9.1.0; however, it will not be reflected in your environment by using the v4.9.1.0 updater. Without having to use the installer, the following steps are suggested to increase the Innoslate Service Memory. 

All steps require Administrator permissions to the machine. As reviewed in Step 1 in the steps above, be sure to select the 'Run as Administrator' option when accessing files.  

1) Find the service.bat file here: 


2) Near the bottom, find:

if "%JvmMs%" == "" set JvmMs=128
if "%JvmMx%" == "" set JvmMx=256

and modify the numbers in these lines to 4098 :

if "%JvmMs%" == "" set JvmMs=4098
if "%JvmMx%" == "" set JvmMx=4098

3) Save the file.

4) Create a .cmd file called update_innoslate_service.cmd and enter the following:

taskkill /f /fi "SERVICES eq Innoslate4"
sc delete Innoslate4

..\apache-tomcat\bin\service.bat install Innoslate4
sc config Innoslate4 start=auto

5) Save this file in the Utilities Folder within Innoslate, located at C:\Innoslate4\utilities

6) Run cmd as administrator.

6) Restart the Innoslate service.

For larger Innoslate Enterprise systems, we recommend configuring the memory at a range of 8000-16000 or higher, with 4098 being the minimum allocation.