Innoslate Enterprise Super Admin Documentation
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Update Apache Tomcat

Step-by-step guide to update Apache Tomcat.

This document provides a comprehensive guide for manually updating Apache Tomcat on a Windows system, specifically addressing the configuration of Tomcat 9 Core for Innoslate-related web applications. It is important to note that testing has only been performed up to Apache Tomcat 9; subsequent versions have not yet been validated for compatibility with Innoslate.

To proceed, please follow the detailed steps outlined below for downloading, configuring, and updating Tomcat manually.


  • Administrative access to the Windows machine Innoslate is installed on.
  • A compatible Java Development Kit (JDK) installed (e.g., JDK 8 or 11, depending on Tomcat 9 requirements).
  • Backup of your existing Tomcat installation and web applications (recommended).

Step-by-Step Guide

1. Download Tomcat

Visit the official Apache Tomcat website and download Tomcat 9 Core. As an example, we’ll use apache-tomcat-9.0.100-windows-x64.

URL: [Apache Tomcat Downloads](
Extract the downloaded ZIP file to the location of your choice (e.g., `C:\Tomcat`).

2. Rename the Tomcat Folder

Rename the extracted folder (e.g., `apache-tomcat-9.0.100`) to simply `apache-tomcat`. 
Example: `C:\Tomcat\apache-tomcat`.

3. Configure the `webapps` Folder

Navigate to the `webapps` folder inside your Tomcat directory (e.g., `C:\Tomcat\apache-tomcat\webapps`).
Delete all existing contents in the `webapps` folder to start fresh.
Add the following:
   `innoslate4` folder (your Innoslate web application).
  `socket` folder (if required for your setup).
  `integrations` folder (optional, depending on your configuration).
  `setup.war` file (the Innoslate setup WAR file).These components will be deployed automatically when Tomcat starts.

4. Update the `service.bat` File

Navigate to the `bin` folder (e.g., `C:\Tomcat\apache-tomcat\bin`).
Open `service.bat` in a text editor with administrative privileges.
Modify the following lines to adjust memory settings and service configuration:
Lines 213 and 214: Set the initial (`JvmMs`) and maximum (`JvmMx`) JVM memory allocation to 4098 MB (adjust as needed for your system).
    if "%JvmMs%" == "" set JvmMs=4098
    if "%JvmMx%" == "" set JvmMx=4098
  - Line 226: Ensure the `--DisplayName` parameter reflects your service name. For example:
    --DisplayName "%SERVICE_NAME%" ^
Save and close the file.

5. Update the `server.xml` File

Navigate to the `conf` folder (e.g., `C:\Tomcat\apache-tomcat\conf`).
Open `server.xml` in a text editor.
Make the following changes:
Line 71 (Connector Configuration): Add the `maxSwallowSize="-1"` attribute to the `<Connector>` element to disable the swallow size limit (useful for larger uploads).
    <Connector port="8080" protocol="HTTP/1.1"
               maxSwallowSize="-1" />
  Before `</Host>` (at the bottom): Add a `<Context>` element to map the `innoslate4` application as the root context.
    <Context path="" docBase="innoslate4" debug="0" reloadable="true"></Context>
Save and close the file.

6. (Optional) Configure SSL

If you’re using SSL for secure connections, additional configuration is required in `server.xml` (e.g., enabling the HTTPS connector and specifying keystore settings). Refer to the official Tomcat SSL documentation or your organization’s SSL setup guide for details:

7. Update the Windows Service

  • Navigate to the `innoslate4\utilities` folder within your Tomcat installation or Innoslate directory.
  • Run the `update_innoslate_service.cmd` script as an administrator. This script updates the Windows service to use the new Tomcat installation with Innoslate.
  • Verify the service is updated by checking the Windows Services panel (`services.msc`) and ensuring the service name and path reflect your new Tomcat configuration.


  • Start the Tomcat service (e.g., via `services.msc` or the `startup.bat` file in the `bin` folder for testing).
  • Open a browser and navigate to `http://localhost:8080` (or your configured port) to confirm Tomcat is running.
  • Check that the `innoslate4` application is accessible at the root path (`http://localhost:8080/`).

Troubleshooting Tips

  • Service Fails to Start: Check the `logs` folder (e.g., `C:\Tomcat\apache-tomcat\logs`) for error messages. Common issues include incorrect JDK paths or insufficient memory.
  • Application Not Loading: Ensure the `innoslate4` folder and `setup.war` are correctly placed in `webapps` and that `server.xml` is properly configured.
  • Port Conflicts: If port 8080 is in use, modify the `<Connector>` port in `server.xml` to an available port.