Support Corner

Support Corner

Access previous tips shared in our past Newsletters here.

In the Support Corner Archive, you will find valuable insights and recommendations previously shared in our Monthly Newsletters to help and support our Innoslate users. Stay up to date by signing up for our Newsletter here!

March 2025

  • When working with a subclass of an Asset from the models, create their conduits in the I-Squared or logical connections in the Class Diagram.
  • For Enterprise instances with AI configurations, keep in mind the new AI configuration notes that will need to be reflected for 4.11's AI updates.
  • Innoslate Enterprise v4.11 is out now! Visit the links for the Updater and Installer.

February 2025

  • Hot Keys can now be used in the new Rich Text Editor in Innoslate 4.11. Feel free to CTRL+I (Italic) and CTRL+U (Underline) as your heart desires! Learn more hot keys here.
  • Innoslate 4.11 Enterprise is due for release at the end of February! Be on the lookout in your inbox for the formal announcement towards the end of this month!
  • New in 4.11, Support has it's own spot in Innoslate. You can now reach us by simply clicking on the new Help Icon on the top right of the navigation bar.

January 2025

  • We're working on moving the Digital Curation Station from the SPEC website to the Innoslate Help Center. If you have any issues with it, please do not hesitate to reach out to Support.
  • We now have a Customer Portal on our website so you can keep track of your Support Tickets. The login is located on the top right of of the Help Center.
  • As we kick off 2025, we are digging deep into 4.11's features and are excited to share Innoslate's Cloud ETA of February 2025. There are lots of exciting features we've been able to dig into, including a new Presentations View, AI features, and a new Rich Text Editor. We can't wait for everyone to get their hands on these very exciting updates!

December 2024

  • When using "Include Cross Project Relationships" during export, you're copying entities from other projects into the exported project. Upon reimport, these entities will be part of the new project and no longer linked to external entities.
  • As we improve the ticket submission process, please include a URL for the specific project when submitting a Support Ticket for an Innoslate Cloud project, if applicable. This will help us assist you much more quickly!
  • We hope your holidays are full of good bytes and minimal bugs! Wishing you a cache of happiness this season!

November 2024

  • IDEF0- Control vs Input: An Input in an Idef0 can come into an Action from the top or the left. To change this, note the setting is in the Relationship Attribute to the Action the I/O is received by. If the trigger is 'No', meaning it is an optional I/O, then it comes in as the input (the left side) vs. if it is 'Yes' meaning it is a triggered I/O, i.e. control (the top). 
  • With the end of the year in sight, this is our reminder for our Academia users to get in touch with us to renew their licenses and expiration dates, as most expire by the end of the year.
  • We already have many templates for users to import from our Digital Curation Station. It's a great way to get quickly started in Innoslate! We highly suggest checking it out here:

October 2024

  • Be sure to use the 'Sign Out' button on the name icon menu to end your Innoslate session. This can be critical so as to free up a Floating license for another user in your Innoslate organization.
  • Need a refresher on being an Admin to your Innoslate Organization? Feel free to schedule a free meeting with Innoslate Support to get a refresher on Administering your organization specific to your environment.
  • Tired of taking your Innoslate presentation to PowerPoint? 4.11 will be introducing a new Slides View and Dashboard!

September 2024

  • Most Prompt windows only require a name or number when creating a new entity in Innoslate.
  • We have been busy working hard on our Enterprise documentation. Super Admins check out the new documentation under the new Enterprise Category here: Some of these were User suggested, so please let us know if you have any other suggestions!
  • As Students get back online for School, please remember our Clean-Up from 12/22/2023: If you haven't logged back on since 12/22/2023, your Cloud account will have to be recreated.

August 2024

  • The Feedback Widget on the Project Dashboard is intended for messaging us (Innoslate Support) for any improvements or feature requests or any potential bugs you'd like to share with us. This is a convenient spot to reach out to us without having to navigate out of the tool. 
  • In Innoslate 4.10, the Requirements Quality Checker has been improved upon and we are excited to share this with our users. This will be released for Cloud in August and Enterprise will be out in  September 2024.

July 2024 

  • Remember to export your simulation's results as an Artifact entity to reference later.
  • Be sure to check out the Text alignment feature for database view under the Settings Menu!

June 2024

  • Users will notice a new synchronize button on their hierarchy tabs on the right sidebar in Compilations, Documents and Test Suite Views . This convenient feature just debuted and ensures that the tab updates with your current location when scrolling with the Compilation, Document or Test Suite scrollbar. This is particularly helpful when navigating deep into these views!
  • Need to delete a custom Template in Documents View? You can do so by deleting the artifact entity the template creates.

May 2024

  • Enterprise is officially out and is available in the Admin Guide of the Help Center for installing and/or updating.
  • The UAF mapping to Innoslate Views did get an update from to Both mappings by versions are available under the UAF Dashboard section of the Help Center. If users are unsure what happened to their UAF views on Cloud after the update on 4/19, contact Support so we can assist with the proper mapping.

April 2024

  • For angled brackets in Description fields use: 

    ⦁    Less than <: &lt;

    ⦁    Greater than >: &gt;

  • 4.9 Enterprise is expected to be out this month! Be on the lookout around mid-April for the formal announcement!

March 2024

  • With the new database view we are being frequently asked what the difference is between what 'is:top' vs. what 'is:root'. Note, 'is:top' will always have children
    whereas 'is:root' is the highest level.
  • When sending Support an issue with a project on the Cloud, please provide the URL so we can look into the project.

February 2024

  • When copying and pasting text into descriptions fields in Innoslate, be sure to paste the data into Innoslate without formatting (PC: CTRL+SHFT+V or MAC: SHFT+CMD+V) and use the tools provided in Innoslate to format it. This should ensure no issues with exporting reports later.  
  • Version 4.9 of Innoslate is loaded with exciting new features. If you're curious about what's in store, you can get a sneak peek by checking out the articles on the Help Center ( The articles cover topics like UAF, the new Computable Attribute, and the New Database View. Simply use the search bar on the Help Center website to find information on any of these features.

January 2024

  • Data Cleanup from 12/22/2023 is now done. Unless you were an Admin on a paid or active academic organization, you will need to recreate your Innoslate account and sign up again.
  • Find yourself querying the same thing in Innoslate? Note the left sidebar in Innoslate gives users the ability to save their queries for quicker reference. 

December 2023

  • Want to make sure your models and project database are in good shape? Be sure to utilize Innoslate's Intelligence View! This tool will compare your Innoslate project to 62 heuristics and provide users the option to fix the issues found in their project.
  •  Innoslate's Traceability Matrix has AI, known as the Traceability Assist under the Settings dropdown, to suggest to users what entities on the X&Y axis that it thinks should be related to each other. On the contrary, users can use the Suspect Assist, also located under the Settings dropdown, to indicate where on the matrix it thinks it should not have a relationship.

November 2023

  • Need to upload a file into Innoslate Cloud? Note, that the file size limit for Cloud is 100MB.
  • Want to understand the basic schema already built into Innoslate? Export a XML of an empty project using the Schema only option from the Manage Project Dashboard.

October 2023

  • Baseline a Diagram with Compilations View! To do this, start a new compilation and bring in the root entity of the diagram. This will bring in all the entities from the diagram and you'll be able to baseline the diagram from this view.
  • Want to trace a lot of entities to each other in one view? Utilize the Traceability Matrix to be able to do this quickly.

September 2023

  • is now available for Enterprise and can be downloaded. Reach out to Support for the updater file.
  • When a relationship appears as locked on the left sidebar, it indicates that the relationship is not editable within this view. This is because the specific relationship is utilized in generating the current view. Should you encounter this situation, you must access the entity's entity view to modify the relationship. Once you've made the necessary changes in the Entity View and saved them, you will be directed back to the initial view you were working in.