Sopatra Release Notes

Sopatra 1.1 Release Notes

Below is an outline of the new features included in Sopatra Version 1.1 release and later

Sopatra Release Notes 7/5/2023


  • Improved: Harmonized URL routes for Project Dashboard, Diagrams Dashboard, and Import Analyzer
  • Improved: Better message to explain why people can't access Innoslate projects from Sopatra

Schema Update:

  • Asset Labels:
    • Added: Environment Branch 
    • Added: Input Branch
    • Added: Machine/Plant Branch 
    • Added: Operator Branch 
    • Added: Output Branch
  • Procedure Labels:
    • Trigger (What)
    • Trigger (Where)
    • Decide (What)
    • Action (What)
    • Decide (Where)
    • Waiting (What)
    • Action (Where)
    • Verification (What)
    • Waiting (Where)
    • Verification (Where)
    • Step
    • Manual Instruction
    • Procedure
  • I/O Labels:
    • Trigger (How)
    • Decide (How)
    • Action (How)
    • Waiting (How)
    • Verification (How)

Sopatra Release Notes 2/6/2023

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Action Diagram generated by Sopatra will have correct control steps if reverted

Sopatra Release Notes 5/20/2022


  • Improved: Updated Dashboard widgets including: Getting Started, SOP Checklist, Wiki, and Diagram Image Widgets
  • Improved: Sopatra Import Analyzer UI has been updated
  • Improved: Sopatra Manage Diagrams has been updated
  • Improved: Confirm modal has been added when deleting files on import analyzer
  • Improved: Added help button to Sopatra Discrete Simulator

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Diagrams will route back to Manage Diagrams if root entity does not exist
  • Fixed: Sopatra Monte Carlo’s Status Panel text will use ellipses on overflow correctly