Create new Presentations and manage existing Slide Sets or Presentations in your project
The Presentations Dashboard provides a centralized space to manage and access all your Innoslate project presentations. It streamlines the process of creating, updating, and organizing presentations, allowing users to efficiently locate and sort them based on specific needs. This dashboard also enables team-wide collaboration by offering widgets and project-wide saving options for tailored views in shared workflows.
Navigating to Presentations Dashboard
Users can access the Presentations Dashboard by clicking on the Presentations button on the top navigation bar.

If users don't see 'Presentations' in the top navigation bar, it may be accessed in the MENU dropdown on the top left of the navigation bar, under the 'General' heading.

Users will then be navigated to the Presentations Dashboard as shown below.
Upon navigating to the Presentations Dashboard, the 'All Existing Presentations' widget is defaulted to appear on the dashboard. When any Presentation or Slide Set is created, they will appear in this widget.
Adding Widgets to the Presentations Dashboard
Innoslate users can add to the Presentations Dashboard with the ‘Add Widget’ button on the Presentations Dashboard.
When you click on 'Add Widget', a window will pop up that enables users to choose from two options for the type of Presentation or Slide Set. Simply select your preferred Slide Type and Target Entity to successfully add the Presentation Card Widget to your Presentations Dashboard.
After adding their desired widgets, users can easily organize their widgets on their dashboard by simply dragging and dropping them. Make sure your cursor shows a four-way arrow when hovering over the widget you want to move. Note, if the cursor is static, it is likely locked in place.
Be sure to save the layout on the Dashboard. When a change is made on the dashboard, the 'Save Dashboard Layout' option will appear. Be sure to select this to save the Layout, as desired.
All Existing Presentations Widget
The 'All Existing Presentations' widget is where users can conveniently access all of the Presentations in their Innoslate project. Innoslate users have a variety of options available to them for sorting, searching, and interacting with presentations within this widget.
When users hover their mouse over the heading bar, a 'Lock' appears so that this widget remains in place on their Documents Dashboard. Users can also remove this widget from their Dashboard by clicking the 'Close (X)' button.
Show, Sort and Search the All Existing Presentations Widget
Users can Show Slide Sets or Prsentations, sort the Presentations in the All Existing Widget by Modified (default), Created, Name and Number:
Users may also use the 'Advanced Search Editor' or the 'Search Field' to query and find a specific Presentation:
When a user clicks on the 'Advanced Search Editor' a pop up will appear:
The 'Advanced Search Editor' will reflect the previous sort option discussed from the upper left side of the 'All Existing Presentations' Widget, if anything there is selected. It also provides users the ability to add on and build their query in the pop-up window. Users can choose from ordering and sorting options, such as ascending or descending, and utilize additional filters to effectively search for Presentations.
The 'Search Field' allows users to type in their query for a specific type of Presentation or clear their query here.
Users can browse through their Presentations on the 'All Existing Presentations Widget' by paging on the lower left corner. Or select the number of documents they prefer to display in this widget with the 'Tiles per Page' dropdown on the lower right hand.
Modifying Presentations from a Presentation Card in the All Existing Presentations Widget
- Edit Entity
Clicking on the 'Edit Entity' icon will open a pop-up that enables users to modify the root entity of the Presentation, known as the Artifact entity. This feature allows users to edit fields such as the Artifact's name, number, description, and labels (Presentation or Slide Set).
Note: Removing the 'Presentation' or "Slide Set' label will remove the Presentation from the Presentations Dashboard.
- Refresh Image

- Clone Document

- Delete
By clicking on the 'Delete Presentation' icon, users will be provided the option to a 'Soft Delete' or 'Hard Delete'.

- Soft delete will remove the Presentation from the Manage Presentation Dashboard, but will not affect the structure of the Presentation.
- Hard delete will delete the Entire Presentation, including entities that may be shared between other constructs.
- Reports
Create a Presentation
From Presentations Dashboard
To create a Presentation from the Presentations Dashboard, simply follow these steps
1) Navigate to the Presentations Dashboard.
2) Select Create Presentation.
- Presentation- A collection of slides designed for presentation purposes.
- Slide Set- Subsets of presentations that can be incorporated into a larger presentation as reusable content.

4) Give the Presentation Artifact a Name (mandatory), Number and Description.
5) Select 'Create' to be navigated to your new Presentation.