Analysis Widgets

Overall Analysis Widget

Innoslate's Overall Analysis shows the pass rate; a percentage of how many tests passed throughout every heuristic.

The “Overall Analysis” starts by showing just the pass rate. The pass rate is the percentage of how many tests passed throughout every heuristic. When clicked you expand the overall analysis to see a larger breakdown.

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The expanded overall analysis shows a breakdown of the run with more extensive metrics. Clicking again will close the expanded overall analysis.

  • Tests Passed: the number of tests that were run without any issues.
  • Tests Run: Total number of tests run.
  • Global: the percentage of tests that passed from the global heuristics.
  • Action: the percentage of tests that passed from the action heuristics.
  • Asset: the percentage of tests that passed from the asset heuristics.
  • Conduit: the percentage of tests that passed from the conduit heuristics.
  • I/O: the percentage of tests that passed from the I/O heuristics.
  • Requirement: the percentage of tests that passed from the requirement heuristics.
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Settings Modal

Has tabs for each heuristic section where you can alter each heuristic’s level. More information on heuristics and their levels can be found on the Heuristic Analysis Widget page.

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To continue learning about Analysis Widgets, Click Here.

(Next Article: Heuristic Analysis Widget)