Innoslate Enterprise Super Admin Documentation
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  3. Innoslate Enterprise Super Admin Documentation

Manage Licenses (Super Admin Users)

How to manage licenses as a Super Admin user

Super Admins utilize the License Panel on the Admin Dashboard to assign licenses to an organization. Typically, upon installation or when renewing the license will this be used.

 This panel serves as a crucial tool for managing license allocation, ensuring that all users within the organization have the necessary access. Typically, this functionality is employed during the initial installation of the software, when licenses are first assigned, or during the renewal process, when existing licenses are updated to reflect the current subscription date or to add new licenses as needed. By effectively managing licenses through this panel, Super Admins can maintain optimize resource utilization within their organization.

Modify Licenses

  1. Navigate to your Innoslate organization Admin Dashboard.
  2. The middle bottom panel is the license panel. Hover your mouse over the header so a pencil will appear.
  3. Click on the pencil so the modification fields appear.
  4. Edit the licenses.
  5. Edit the dates.
  6. Select Save.