JAVA SDK Integration

Learn about Innoslate's Advanced Functionalities: A Comprehensive Guide to JAVA SDK Integration with Innoslate Enterprise

Sections Available in SDK Integration

Function Description
Required Libraries Understand the required libraries needed to enable seamless Java SDK integration with Innoslate.
Generating Token Learn the process of generating an authentication token through step-by-step explanation in order to gain a secure connection with Innoslate's API.
SDK Services  Learn about examples of how to utilize SDK services in Innoslate. There is a selection of sample code and scripts, to help understand the service.

Dive into JAVA SDK Integration within the Innoslate Enterprise ecosystem in this detailed guide. We'll embark on a journey through the required libraries, unveiling the process of generating authentication tokens, and explore the extensive functionalities of SDK services. This article will provide you with a solid foundation for leveraging JAVA SDK Integration to amplify your Innoslate utilization, boosting operational efficiency and productivity.

This article focuses on how to get started using JAVA SDK Integration. For more information on the software's capabilities with Innoslate, please refer to our bootcamp on GitHub.

Required Libraries

In order to effectively utilize the Java SDK Integration with Innoslate Enterprise, two crucial elements must be added to your project: dependencies-repackaged.jar and innoslate-java-sdk.jar. These files play a pivotal role in furnishing the necessary libraries and functions that enable seamless interactions with the Innoslate software.

The dependencies-repackaged.jar serves as a comprehensive collection of libraries that your project may require, helping to avoid any missing dependency issues and ensuring smoother development. On the other hand, innoslate-java-sdk.jar is the heart of Innoslate's Java SDK, containing the core classes and methods that you'll use to interact with Innoslate APIs.

Both of these indispensable files can be conveniently located and downloaded from the Google Drive folder where this guide is also housed. By providing these resources in a centralized, accessible location, we aim to make your journey into Java SDK integration with Innoslate as effortless as possible. Always ensure that you have the latest versions of these files to take advantage of any updates, bug fixes, or enhancements.

Generating Token

1. Within Innoslate, click the “User Account” drop-down menu, located at the top right hand corner of your navigation bar, displayed as a green circle with your first initial. 

2. Click “My Profile”. 

3. This opens the “Edit Your Profile Information” menu. Look for the API Keys and give the API key a name then click “Generate Authentication Key”.


5. The API key will generate the authentication token.

Note: Once you leave this view you will not be able to see the authentication token so copy it to a safe place.

generate api

6. Exit the view either by clicking the “Save”, “Cancel”, or ‘X’ at the top of the modal. Saving is only needed if any updates were made to the user profile. The authentication token does not require the save button to be clicked.

Gain Authorization:

There are two methods to gain access to Innoslate:

1. withAuthenticationKey - This way allows you access to Innoslate 4 without exposing your password. The domain name and the auth token is all that is required. 
Enterprise Example:

Auth auth = AuthFactory.withAuthenticationKey("http://localhost:8080",
"cml0dGVyY2hyaXN8YWJj=VE6sPtlAREeu2cbNNehHe4CiQ3KVUXcunwIObZCszQ", null);


2. withUsernamePassword -This way allows you access to Innoslate 4 with your username and password.  The domain name, username, password is all that is required. Note: This method will not work on

Enterprise Example:

Auth auth = AuthFactory.withUsernamePassword("http://localhost:8080", "johndoe1",
"password", null);

SDK Services 

Database Service

Once you have your auth token you can now create your database service. This will allow the JAVA SDK to interact with Innoslate. To create your DatabaseService the Auth object and the name of the organization slug is required.

DatabaseService Example: 

DatabaseService ds = DatabaseServiceFactory.withOrganizationSlug(auth, "slug"); 

Project Service

Creating a new project example:

InnoProject project = ds.projects().create().setName("Project Name");


Access existing project example:

InnoProject project = ds.projects().get(2);

Entity Service

Creating a new entity example:

InnoEntity entity = ds.entities().create(1).get(0).setProjectId(project.getId())


Access existing entity example:

InnoEntity entity = ds.entities().get(5);

Searching for an entity example:

List<? extends InnoEntity> list = ds.entities().search("John", 1000, 0, 
InnoEntity entity = list.get(0);


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(Next Article: MatLab Toolkit Integration)