Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes
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Innoslate Enterprise 4.3 Release Notes

Below is an outline of all the changes made to Innoslate Enterprise.

Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes 10/19/2020

New Features:

  • Added: New Search UI
  • Added: Chart Dashboard Widget
  • Added: Diagram Dashboard Widget
  • Added: Traceability Matrix Import / Export
  • Added: Ordered by number added to database quick select
  • Added: Notifications will appear on navigation bar under the notification icon


  • Improved: Post Baseline Change Report will include labels, rationale, and comments
  • Improved: Database view class filter will now filter properties based on the selected class
  • Improved: Attempting to access an organization without sufficient permissions will result in a redirect
  • Improved: Database view dynamically creates new save/cancel column 
  • Improved: Documents View toolbar condensed under more drop down
  • Improved: Script modal will autoscale to 40 lines before a vertical scroll bar will appear
  • Improved: Entity find, remove, and search have been updated to avoid overflow of ids being passed to backend
  • Improved: Save queries’ names have a character limit of 250
  • Improved: Infinite hierarchy will now display an error modal and directs the user back to Innoslate to fix
  • Improved: "‘" will be replace with "'" in Basic Tabular Report
  • Improved: SAML Authorization has been enchanted to be more customizable
  • Improved: Clear sessions button has been added to manually clear out users in collaborations 
  • Improved: CSV can now import UTF-16 format
  • Improved: HikariConfig Pool and Connection timeout can be configured in the file
  • Improved: Notifications will come in 30 seconds bursts instead of as soon as changes are made to improve system efficiency   

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Viewers can no longer edit entity relationship attributes
  • Fixed: Viewers can no longer change the statues
  • Fixed: Script modal is only editable with those with higher enough permissions
  • Fixed: Metadata Tab can only editable with those with higher enough permissions
  • Fixed: Risk diagram cannot be edited by viewer
  • Fixed: Parametric Diagram Value (characteristic) will not resize incorrectly
  • Fixed: Customizing Banners are now accessible to project owners and higher level users
  • Fixed: Activity Feed will no longer show undefined when and entity has no number
  • Fixed: Documents view will no longer bomb when trying to save and user is logged out
  • Fixed: Action and Activity will re-render correctly
  • Fixed: Risk Burn-Down will re-render correctly
  • Fixed: Classes or Attributes with ‘/’ in their name will be allowed to save in schema editor
  • Fixed: Adding branches and flattening is only useable with those with higher enough permissions
  • Fixed: Spider diagram attribute relationship model is read-only for viewer and reviewers
  • Fixed: Existing entities will display entities’ name correctly
  • Fixed: Manage Database view will no longer have attribute sidebar duplicated upon editing settings
  • Fixed: All Existing Panel will show the count correctly
  • Fixed: Sim script modal will no longer clear all text with ctrl + z
  • Fixed: I-Squared will re-render correctly
  • Fixed: Layer will re-render correctly
  • Fixed: Branch history will only show up if entity is an instance of Action
  • Fixed: Search by relationship Ids in database will returns entities with source and not target
  • Fixed: Action / Activity diagram images will correctly render full image
  • Fixed: Class Diagram parameters will not sorted
  • Fixed: Class Diagram quadtree will correctly detect proper hit detection
  • Fixed: BBD parameters will not be sorted
  • Fixed: XY plot modal will resize correctly
  • Fixed: Dashboard widgets will no longer disappear when others are created of the same type
  • Fixed: Timeline’s end date display will correctly display the end date of an entity 
  • Fixed: Duplicate shapes in diagrams caused by cross entity will not bomb the diagrams
  • Fixed: Basic Tabular Output Report will apply filters correctly
  • Fixed: Existing entities added to the diagram will not have their numbers reassigned unless no number is present
  • Fixed: Support dashboard search will show a pointer when mouse is hovered over search button
  • Fixed: CSV existing entities will have relationships to be applied correctly
  • Fixed: CSV will import non-requirements correctly in their hierarchy
  • Fixed: Basic Tabular Output Report will replace curly quotes with regular quotes
  • Fixed: Physical I/O diagram will correctly show yellow line if all conditions between two assets are not met
  • Fixed: CSV will now convert certain bad characters " ","≤", "≥", "Œ", "œ", "Ÿ", "’" to safe characters
  • Fixed: CSV userteams attribute will be exported / imported correctly
  • Fixed: CSV duplicate numbers will only appear in csv with only requirements and/or statements
  • Fixed: Search system with generic search, searches without name, number, or descriptions prefixes will return correct results when pair with other search parameters
  • Fixed: Documents Basic Tabular will correctly generate report
  • Fixed: Basic Tabular Output will no longer have þÿ appear in the first cell
  • Fixed: Document Export (XML) will no longer  throw a ReferenceError 
  • Fixed: Reviewer / Viewers viewing Relationship Attributes in Spider diagram will correctly see the attribute centered
  • Fixed: Physical I/O Diagram will no longer bomb if a conduit on an asset is removed in the relationship panel\
  • Fixed: IDEF0 will correctly save after adding additional shapes to the diagram when parents are present
  • Fixed: Table Notation will work correctly with new backend update
  • Fixed: Comments will display correctly in comment widget on dashboard
  • Fixed: Diagrams View, Charts View, DoDAF View Word and PowerPoint export will work with the new search system correctly
  • Fixed: CSV reverted from allowing UTF-16 back to ISO-8859-1 due to excel’s inability to detect UTF-16 correctly


Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes 7/13/2020

New Features:

  • Added: Integrated Ace.js into our simulator scripting UI. This will provide error checking, syntax highlighting, and simple autofill and autocomplete.
  • Added: Diagram framework now has the ability to align shapes horizontally and vertically as well as clone the size of the shape to other shapes. 
  • Added: Top and bottom Banners have been added to all views in Innoslate. A detailed UI, including font color, font size, banner color, and stripes, can be found under the new cog on dashboard label project preferences
  • Added: NSERC authentication to allow for PKI and CAC to LDAP authentication


  • Improved: Basic Tabular Output can now have the option to be sorted by hierarchy and have finer grade customization. Hierarchy is the default option in documents view, where number is the default in database view
  • Improved: The maximum limit of characters in excel sheet cells have been increased from 10000 to 32000
  • Improved:  Cross-Project Entities will no longer be able to be assigned to project level relations that are made on the project level .In order to have a new relation added to schema and allow cross entities the change needs to happen on the organization schema.
  • Improved: Un-rendered diagrams and charts will no longer show up in recently modified in Diagrams/Charts view
  • Improved: ICD can add newly created left and right parent asset through the toolbar

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Simulator button is disabled until actions are placed in the diagram
  • Fixed: Firefox checkboxes are correctly centered in database view
  • Fixed: History / Activity Feeds now handle cross projects labels correctly
  • Fixed: Basic Tabular Output will work with baselines correctly
  • Fixed: Basic Tabular Output will remove the   from description correctly 
  • Fixed: fetchCrossProjectEntities method has been removed due its scalability issues, this will greatly reduce the time for reports to generate. Reports affected are History, Post Baseline Change Report, Comment Report, Entity Definition Report, and Basic Tabular Output
  • Fixed: Asset diagram dashed lines will display correctly 
  • Fixed: Acronym in parentheses will not have an extra space after the  first parenthese
  • Fixed: Risk Burn-Down Chart can be generated in Chart View Reports in Charts view
  • Fixed: Sign out from anywhere will autosave feature and  will sign out correctly
  • Fixed: SRD with 3.3.1 ICD will update the SRD correctly
  • Fixed: Entity Notation / Table Notation with parentheses will now update correctly
  • Fixed: Wiki panel will correctly size the diagram or image within the panel
  • Fixed: Post Baseline Change Report will correctly generate based on baselines entities and not current version entities
  • Fixed: Post Baseline Change Report will correctly generate if two baselines have the same name
  • Fixed: Locked entities in Documents view will now open correctly from open drop down
  • Fixed: RVM, RTM, RSM Outputs will work correctly with baselines
  • Fixed: Entities with relationships to locked entities will not have delete button displayed
  • Fixed: Test Center will correctly let viewer navigate away without trying to save changes and failing
  • Fixed: Comments in panel will correctly filter based on entities in project and not delete entities
  • Fixed: Viewers will no longer have ability to add labels
  • Fixed: ICD Conduit Capacity rate will be correctly parsed and match to the I/O’s rate
  • Fixed: Customizing Banners are now accessible to project owners and higher level users
  • Fixed: Action and Activity will re-render correctly
  • Fixed: Risk Burn-Down will re-render correctly


Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes 5/29/2020


  • Improved: Basic Tabular Output can now have the option to be sorted by hierarchy and have finer grade customization. Hierarchy is the default option in documents view, where number is the default in database view
  • Improved: The maximum limit of characters in excel sheet cells have been increased from 10000 to 32000

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Simulator button is disabled until actions are placed in the diagram
  • Fixed: Firefox checkboxes are correctly centered in database view
  • Fixed: History / Activity Feeds now handle cross projects labels correctly
  • Fixed: Basic Tabular Output will work with baselines correctly
  • Fixed: Basic Tabular Output will remove the   from description correctly 
  • Fixed: fetchCrossProjectEntities method has been removed due its scalability issues, this will greatly reduce the time for reports to generate. Reports effect are History, Post Baseline Change Report, Comment Report, Entity Definition Report, and Basic Tabular Output
  • Fixed: Asset diagram dashed lines will display correctly 
  • Fixed: Acronym in parentheses will not have an extra space after the  first parenthese
  • Fixed: Risk Burn-Down Chart can be generated in Chart View Reports in Charts view
  • Fixed: Sign out from anywhere will autosave feature will sign out correctly
  • Fixed: SRD with 3.3.1 ICD will update the SRD correctly
  • Fixed: Entity Notation / Table Notation with parentheses will now update correctly


Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes 4/20/2020

New Features:

  • Added: Interface Control Diagram, ICD, created
  • Added: Cross Project Entities will be visually noticeable in all views with a new purple symbol indicator, dashed purple lines, or purple background color
  • Added: Search has been redesigned for a more flexible user experience. All entity’s attributes can now be searched as well as searching by entity id, relationship name, and attribute name 
  • Added: LDAP and PKI to LDAP has been implemented as an authorization type in Innoslate


  • Improved: CSV has an option to select All Classes as an option instead of only one class
  • Improved: CSV can import many-to many relationships 
  • Improved: CSV now allow rich text for import / export
  • Improved: CSV will automatically enforce class and relationships checks
  • Improved: CSV will throw warning if relationship is pointing to same entity
  • Improved: CSV will throw warning if Global ID is blank
  • Improved: Import Analyzer will disable “Next” button until file successfully uploads
  • Improved: Classes, Relations, and Labels have improved error messages for invalid submissions in Schema Editor
  • Improved: All items can now be pinned in the Innoslate toolbar
  • Improved: Notations can handle special characters
  • Improved: Number sort works up to 14 levels deep
  • Improved: Activation will force passwords to be at least 6 characters
  • Improved: In Schema Editor, Class, Label, and Relation have a cancel button to discard changes
  • Improved: In Database view, the relationship column will show the relationship’s name
  • Improved: Redacted thumbnail will only appear when the diagram contains cross-project entities
  • Improved: Entity Notation and Table Notation can select entity’s description
  • Improved: Most views will have web browser tab based on the view name
  • Improved: Database view entity option will have default size to prevent resizing issues
  • Improved: Class, Label, Relations will not all have special characters, exception are -, _, and $
  • Improved: Matrix will grey out redacted entities
  • Improved: Redacted Entities in all views have a metadata sidebar
  • Improved: Locked Entities will have relationships and relationships attributes disabled
  • Improved: Locked Entities will have a lock title or icon in diagrams, matrix, and relationship attribute

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Widgets in the dashboard will now display the correct enumeration
  • Fixed: Import Analyzer will no longer duplicate auto-managed labels
  • Fixed: Document export (XML) will export the artifact in the export
  • Fixed: Hierarchy chart auto-number will no longer fail coming from a document 
  • Fixed: Documents view allow Reviewers to generate CSV reports
  • Fixed: Database view will persist a column correctly
  • Fixed: Widgets in the Project Dashboard will change when edited correctly
  • Fixed: Sequence Diagram will delete shapes correctly
  • Fixed: Document View ‘Add After’ will work correctly with Appendices
  • Fixed: Parent Class will be assigned correctly in the schema
  • Fixed: Order in the schema properties can no longer be negative in Classes and Relations
  • Fixed: Relationship Attributes will hide correctly in the schema view
  • Fixed: Newly created projects will correctly be added to the recently added list
  • Fixed: Widgets will no longer show undefined in the tooltip
  • Fixed: Schema Editor view works correctly in Internet Explorer
  • Fixed: Intelligence warnings will be generated correctly
  • Fixed: Import Analyzer multi-select will not go behind Prev, or Next buttons
  • Fixed: Checkboxes are centered correctly
  • Fixed: Newly Created Documents now trim correctly
  • Fixed: Action/Activity diagram will no longer bring in the start and end nodes when decomposed
  • Fixed: Timeline will not have two modals up at the same time
  • Fixed: Toolbar containing search will resize correctly
  • Fixed: Admin with no organization will be navigated to admin dashboard correctly
  • Fixed: Asset diagrams with external and internal assets will appear correctly
  • Fixed: Schema classes will save correctly after removing an attribute
  • Fixed: IE will download reports correctly
  • Fixed: Search button on the Support Dashboard page will work correctly
  • Fixed: Risk Burn-Down Chart datasets modal will appear correctly
  • Fixed: Relations name and inverse name are trimmed correctly
  • Fixed: Duration editor message icon will appear correctly
  • Fixed: Radar Diagram’s black circle will have numbers centered
  • Fixed: Monte Carlo will correctly navigate to discrete after deadlock modal
  • Fixed: Documents view ‘Move’ button will be disabled until proper input
  • Fixed: Geopoint attribute will display correctly when empty
  • Fixed: Geopoint will revert to default value or 0 correctly
  • Fixed: Basic Tabular Output will work correctly with cross project and labels
  • Fixed: Flatten, Decompose, remove buttons will not show up for redacted entities
  • Fixed: Inno will export correctly when images can’t be found 
  • Fixed: Artifacts will display documents view option in open dropdown only when artifact is a document
  • Fixed: Labels length in Documents view will be limited in size to prevent resizing issues
  • Fixed: Timeline, Action, Activity Diagrams will load correctly with redacted entities
  • Fixed: External/Internal buttons will not show up for redacted entities
  • Fixed: XY Plot assets will have REDACTED instead of undefined in legend
  • Fixed: UserTeam will export and import out of projects correctly
  • Fixed: Documents view will delete newly created children correctly
  • Fixed: Rich text alignment and strikethrough will save correctly
  • Fixed: Requirements view will allow the display of more than three levels
  • Fixed: Test Center will not have ‘Add’ button if a filter is selected
  • Fixed: Relation attributes will save correctly
  • Fixed: HTML attribute will render images and diagram correctly
  • Fixed: IO, Resources, and their lines in Action and Activity will hide ‘Remove’ button if redacted or locked correctly
  • Fixed: Loops and Merge in Action and Activity will hide ‘Remove’ button if redacted or locked correctly
  • Fixed: Database view labels count will display correctly
  • Fixed: Diagrams and Charts will sort diagram and charts alphabetical order correctly
  • Fixed: Top of Hierarchy will correctly indent based on levels