Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes
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Innoslate Enterprise 4.2 Release Notes

Below is an outline of all the changes made to Innoslate Enterprise.

Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes 11/19/2019

New Features:

  • Added: SAML Authentication has been implemented as an authorization type in Innoslate
  • Added: OAUTH Authentication has been implemented as an authorization type in Innoslate
  • Added: PKI to Native Authentication has been implemented as an authorization type in Innoslate
  • Added: ReqIF has been added to Import Analyzer as a new import type
  • Added: ReqIF Output has been added to reports
  • Added: Acronym Extractor has been added to Documents View


  • Improved: Temporary disables the add new Requirement/Statement button till last one is created
  • Improved: Classes’ Properties in schema have been renamed Attributes for better consistency
  • Improved: CAD model with *.STL will work with CAD viewer
  • Improved: When a CAD model is removed from an artifact the CAD Model label will also be removed as well
  • Improved: Database entity row with no name or no number will now display with “Entity with No Name and Number”
  • Improved: History modal will now display the entity safe name or “Entity” if no name or number is found
  • Improved: History modal will wrap text and/or truncate long names and numbers
  • Improved: Most-Recently Modified Diagrams Panel and All Existing Diagrams Panel will refresh in Diagrams View if either panel has a diagram deleted, renamed, or tile refreshed
  • Improved: Test Center will not allow new tests to be added when a filter is applied
  • Improved: Physical IO can hide and show external Assets
  • Improved: Resetting labels within a diagram, will reset the size back to default
  • Improved: Basic Tabular Output (CSV) Report can export relationships in Database View
  • Improved: In Entity view, Subclass options are added to transform dropdown menu
  • Improved: Uploading images will display a spinner
  • Improved: File sizes that exceed Innoslate’s maximum allotted size will throw a message after a failure
  • Improved: Timeline Diagram will prompt user if times are outside default or current timeline upon entering a Timeline Diagram
  • Improved: Date/Time for created / modified and created by / modified by has been added to Database View as attribute options
  • Improved: Allow user to import *.XML / *.INNO with new global Ids
  • Improved: Entity multiselector has a new search query for selecting projects for assigning cross-project entities
  • Improved: Layer Diagram has added the level selector
  • Improved: Better error messages if Import Analyzer fails to upload 
  • Improved: Expired license will throw different error message between Global license, Organization license, user has no license, and user has no license available
  • Improved: CSV has an option to select the date format for imports

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Bug that allowed the parent of an Asset diagram to be included in the existing entities list
  • Fixed: Bug that allowed abstract classes to be created from the relationship panel
  • Fixed: Bug that allowed rule checker to be ran on ICOM diagram
  • Fixed: Bug with the alignment with the Internal/External buttons in the Physical IO
  • Fixed: Bug with the alignment with the Back button
  • Fixed: Bug with the alignment with the Bulk Label button
  • Fixed: Bug with the alignment with the open dropdown button
  • Fixed: Bug that caused relationship attributes window in the spider diagram to always update
  • Fixed: Bug that showed abstract classes in the Spider / Requirement diagrams creation menu
  • Fixed: Bug that allowed fill and stroke to appear for IO Block, Action Block, and Characteristic Block
  • Fixed: Bug that allowed the Decomposition Diagram to appear incorrectly
  • Fixed: Bug that caused the line color dropdown to display incorrectly
  • Fixed: Bug that caused I/O lines in Activity Diagram to fail to remove correctly
  • Fixed: Bug that caused the size of the Activity feed to run off the screen
  • Fixed: Bug that caused sim to path back always to Action Diagram instead of Activity Diagram
  • Fixed: Bug that caused the text color to be hidden after hiding branch asset label
  • Fixed: Bug that allowed user to create usernames over 32 characters long
  • Fixed: Syntax change from “Assets that do not a noun” to “Assets that do not have a noun”
  • Fixed: Bug that allowed a document template to be empty in the wizard
  • Fixed: Bug that caused the document template list to duplicate itself
  • Fixed: Bug that caused the color in line stroke in a Physical I/O to not apply correctly
  • Fixed: Bug that caused the removal and adding back of the same picture to fail to upload correctly
  • Fixed: Bug that caused label to be created without a name
  • Fixed: Bug that caused Document templates to allow users to select an empty template option before hitting the create button
  • Fixed: Bug that will display null if an entity had no name or number in entity table report
  • Fixed: Bug that caused plain text parser to fail to import anything but requirements and statements
  • Fixed: Bug that allowed reviewers to open the edit viewer of the wiki panel


Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes 8/19/2019


  • Improved: SQL Databases now support an advanced set of UTF-8 compared to just the original database UTF-8 set. New organizations will automatically be upgraded to this new format.


Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes 7/24/2019

New Features:

  • Added: Roll up Tool is a tool that allows of rollup of Enumeration, Numbers, Duration, and Multi-select attributes
  • Added: Charts View is a new view that will show all charts in a project
  • Added: XY Plot is a new chart that will display data as an XY Plot of characteristics and/or measures
  • Added: Sign-In Modal is a new modal that will prompt user when user is signed out before being redirected to sign-in screen
  • Added: Document Template is a new feature that allows to create template documents for re-use throughout the project.
  • Added: Support Dashboard is a new view in the Admin view that allows server admins and designated support users to be able to reset passwords and authenticate accounts
  • Added: Entity Notation is a new feature that allows for entities’ attributes to be inserted into entity description fields and allows these attributes to be self-updating
  • Added: Table Notation is a new feature that allows for the generation of a self-updating table to be inserted into an entity’s description
  • Added: SRD Generator is a new feature that will generate a System Requirements Document and automatically self-update based on the model and baseline each time the SRD Generator is ran
  • Added: Entity Definition Report is a new report that allows the user to view the information of an entity as a csv
  • Added: New Innoslate Logo added to Innoslate


  • Improved: Native mode is the only mode that will try to send out authorization emails
  • Improved: Documents view reports: Basic Document Report and CSV Report have Identifier options added
  • Improved: CSV Import handles multiple semicolons
  • Improved: Harmonized the sort number function across the front end
  • Improved: Entity Table Report duration will be displayed according to the best duration unit
  • Improved: Ok modal now will have an X to close modal
  • Improved: DoDAF view will now show diagrams that haven’t been rendered on dashboard
  • Improved: All contact information to support has been updated to ext 3 from 2
  • Improved: Entity Definition Report has Global Ids and Id as options
  • Improved: *.STL and *.stl files extension will now display CAD models
  • Improved: Excel reports will now have a limit of 10,000 characters per cell
  • Improved: Timeline will now add new children to bottom of list instead of top of list
  • Improved: Diagrams name and number fields have a max length of 200 characters
  • Improved: Generate Requirements have been removed from Action, Activity. This has been replaced by the new SRD Generator on Asset Diagram
  • Improved: Conduit attributes have been reordered by having Units under Capacity. This will only be seen in new organizations

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Bug that caused the IDEF0 to not deserialize correctly with new modal
  • Fixed: Bug that caused the action with metadata to throw a null point error
  • Fixed: Bug that causes User profiles to be editable
  • Fixed: Bug that causes Quality Checker to fail when entities are locked
  • Fixed: Bug that causes the CSV importer to not import correctly with related entities
  • Fixed: Bug that causes the Complex Numbers, Enumerations, Multiselect, Percent, DateTime, and URI attributes to be not responsive in the UI
  • Fixed: Spelling issue with "Syncronize" to “Synchronize"
  • Fixed: Bug that causes the Spider Diagram to fail if name is undefined
  • Fixed: Bug that causes baselines with “/” to fail
  • Fixed: Spelling issue with “accerlate” to “accelerate”
  • Fixed: Typo issue with workflow “am” to “an”
  • Fixed: Bug that causes DoDAF view All Existing DoDAF Products count to be off
  • Fixed: Bug that causes the diagram in new diagram modal to be sorted incorrectly
  • Fixed: Button alignment with other buttons across the toolbar
  • Fixed: Search field same size as other buttons
  • Fixed: Bug that causes the expiration date to not appear in License panel of the admin view
  • Fixed: Bug that causes the query field to clear after a transformation in entity view
  • Fixed: Bug that causes abnormal diagram sizes in diagram view due to large description
  • Fixed: Bug that causes basic document output to be corrupted with hyperlinks
  • Fixed: Bug that causes SV4a to fail to generate diagram
  • Fixed: Bug that causes sidebar attributes to be incorrectly sorted
  • Fixed: Bug that causes spaces between buttons to be incorrect
  • Fixed: Bug that causes hidden attributes to display in reports
  • Fixed: Bug that causes Entity Definition Report to not show multiple relationship attributes
  • Fixed: Bug that causes spacing between report components to be incorrect
  • Fixed: Bug that causes no merged cell option to remove end row style
  • Fixed: Bug that causes AV-1 with no images to corrupt DoDAF report
  • Fixed: Bug that causes save button to appear if parent entity is locked
  • Fixed: Bug that causes the System Boundary in the Use Case diagram to hide other shapes and lines
  • Fixed: Bug that causes auto number to fail if a new entity is added
  • Fixed: Bug that causes decomposition tags to appear over text if an image was present in the Asset diagram
  • Fixed: Bug that causes saved queries to bomb if user change to project with unsupported schema
  • Fixed: Bug that causes dropdown selection in Test Center to close incorrectly
  • Fixed: Bug that causes all the dropdown to be shown at the same time in document view
  • Fixed: Bug that causes Multi-select and User_Team attributes to not copy from import
  • Fixed: Bug that causes User_Team to bomb entity view if team was not assigned to project
  • Fixed: Bug that causes N-Square to not deserialize correctly
  • Fixed: Bug that causes I-Square and N-Square to object to show partial wrap text incorrectly
  • Fixed: Bug that causes users to not be added to innouser_auth Table if in LDAP or CAC Authentication type
  • Fixed: Bug that causes workflow dropdown to not show selection
  • Fixed: Bug that causes simulator to fail if resource was not a number
  • Fixed: Bug that causes the XMI import to fail
  • Fixed: Bug that causes duration attributes to fail to save
  • Fixed: Bug that causes Layer diagram to bomb
  • Fixed: Bug that causes Layer diagram to fail to delete entities from database
  • Fixed: Bug that causes BDD and Class diagram to fail to save
  • Fixed: Bug that causes Matrix to fail to load when Input/Output was in query
  • Fixed: Bug that causes project with “/” to not import correctly with *.inno Imports
  • Fixed: Bug that causes the attribute on the sidebar to be out of order based on order of properties in schema
  • Fixed: I-Square and Risk Diagram help now matches correct path to help center
  • Fixed: Bug that causes Documents View paper mode table and text to run off the view