Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes

Innoslate Enterprise 4.10 Release Notes

Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes (9/6/2024)

Innoslate Enterprise Release Notes (9/6/2024)

Below is an outline of the changes made to Innoslate Enterprise since the release of Innoslate Enterprise (4/19/2024).


  • Improved: Manage Dashboard dropdown filter will only show filter options that have at least 1 entity with that option in the database
  • Improved: Package Diagram will render existing entities’ children upon adding to diagram
  • Improved: InnoCard widgets general UI improvements
  • Improved: CSV analyzer now has a ‘check all’ checkbox
  • Improved: Spider Diagram will render existing entities’ children upon adding to diagram
  • Improved: State Machine will render existing entities’ children upon adding to diagram
  • Improved: Internal Block Diagram will render existing entities’ children upon adding to diagram
  • Improved: Importing Test Suite and Documents will navigate the user to the respective view
  • Improved: General improvements to the exportable matrices
  • Improved: Kanban Board now supports searching
  • Improved: General improvements to collapsing toolbars based on smaller screens
  • Improved: General improvements to Version Control UI and handling of delete and restore activities
  • Improved: General IDEF0 improvements
  • Improved: Block Definition Diagram will render existing entities’ children upon adding to diagram
  • Improved: Computable attributes can now be filtered in Database View
  • Improved: Restoring deleted entities in Activity Feed can be done in rapid succession
  • Improved: Manage Projects and Version Control links can open in new tab
  • Improved: Documents View will handle collapse all and expand all better
  • Improved: Added button for License ID in Admin Dashboard
  • Improved: Organization Dashboard will now always show the Manage Projects button
  • Improved: Hierarchy Diagram will render existing entities’ children upon adding an existing entities
  • Improved: Database View’s New Entity dropdown items now have HTML titles
  • Improved: The Admin Dashboard header link move to menu dropdown
  • Improved: Exported Matrices now have an Open Dropdown associated with the Artifact root
  • Improved: Signing back into Innoslate automatically fills in current username
  • Improved: Import Analyzer now notifies the user when the file being uploaded exceeds the MAXUPLOADSIZEINMEGABYTES value
  • Improved: Database row heights can now be customized
  • Improved: User now has the ability to discard changes after a failed save
  • Improved: Users are now informed if their equation computes to infinity in Computable
  • Improved: Importing Project Preferences (i.e. Dashboard widgets) will merge with existing instead of overlaying
  • Improved: Users now get cleared from share modal by owners if the user is no longer in the organization
  • Improved: Diagrams handle removing duplicates when a shape is deleted from database
  • Improved: Redactor can now add Compilations and Test Suites images
  • Improved: Dashboards can now handle duplicate sequential refreshes
  • Improved: Traceability Matrix queries will allow query to decide order
  • Improved: Add option to remove all user preferences for projects for when the user either does not have access or the project no longer exists
  • Improved: Quality Check improvements
  • Improved: Socket System and Collaboration improvements
  • Improved: Computable now has a recompute function and can pull real time values from other entities in the current view
  • Improved: Document imports now allow selection of document types
  • Improved: Rich Text can be a default option for new attributes in ReqIF imports

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Arrows from item flow lines in Diagrams will no longer be detached from the edge 
  • Fixed: Reports dropdown in Entity View will be hidden while creating a new entity
  • Fixed: Documents View transformation will now show a spinner until operation is completed
  • Fixed: Admin Dashboard role multiselect is no longer selectable if user is a regular admin
  • Fixed: Redactors and adding widgets correctly handle non-existing non-entity views
  • Fixed: Updated tooltip titles on Dashboard widget and Simulator panel buttons for improved clarity
  • Fixed: Activity Feed Report will correctly show the changes made to an entity
  • Fixed: History UI will correctly show the changes made to an entity
  • Fixed: Shared with You tab now shows projects correctly on Manage Projects Dashboard
  • Fixed: Option to Download PNG of Diagrams, Charts, or Documents will only display if valid image is present
  • Fixed: Script with OR constructs will have their branches correctly add up to 100%
  • Fixed: Distributions will correctly show units in the Basic Tabular Report
  • Fixed: I-Squared and N-Squared Diagram selection will correctly work
  • Fixed: Manage Project list correctly handles errors when signed out or having no license
  • Fixed: Control Step will correctly be added after deleting other control steps
  • Fixed: Activity IOs get handled correctly after Flatten operation
  • Fixed: Diagrams will no longer have text run outside of their constructs upon dragging
  • Fixed: Document collapsed nodes will correctly get auto numbered
  • Fixed: Documents will correctly display User Team attributes on reports
  • Fixed: Attributes filter will correctly work with Duration/Number distributions and decimals
  • Fixed: Changing class names no longer interferes with document preferences
  • Fixed: Schema Editor and Workflow columns will correctly keep their widths
  • Fixed: DoDAF Inno Cards associated with a product that has "/" in the name will display correctly
  • Fixed: Creating new classes in Schema Editor will have tighter name constraints and only allow [A-Z, 0-9, _, -, /]
  • Fixed: Sorting a Document, Test Suite, or Compilation will not show the artifact entity
  • Fixed: Intelligence Dashboard global analysis footer will update correctly
  • Fixed: SQL will correctly update modified date of images
  • Fixed: Lazy Draggable Hierarchy dragging in Documents View works correctly again in Firefox
  • Fixed: Internal Block Diagram ports will no longer shift with undo/redo
  • Fixed: Diagram toolbars will no longer be disabled after an error modal is displayed
  • Fixed: Number, URI, and Geopoint relationship attributes will no longer have their values reverted when you hover over the pin/unpin icon before blurring input
  • Fixed: Gantt Chart grid will no longer be cut off after resizing screen
  • Fixed: Documents View move modal no longer shows collapsed entities nor entities you don’t have permission to edit
  • Fixed: Interface Control Diagram will correctly remove conduit edges
  • Fixed: Error messages will display correctly when Innoslate fails to start up on the Sign In page
  • Fixed: Scripts with OR resource will correctly handle “else” condition
  • Fixed: Acronym Extractor with multiple definitions in the same entity will correctly be flagged
  • Fixed: Document rows no longer overlap each other after running Quality Checker
  • Fixed: Redactor links now allow the current page to be a link
  • Fixed: Class and Block Definition Diagram’s Action, Characteristic, and IO constructs will no longer show Fill and Stroke/Line Color options upon adding to diagram
  • Fixed: Gantt Chart will correctly update on attribute sidebar changes
  • Fixed: Inno Card Widget titles will correctly change after changing the construct
  • Fixed: Opening the CAD model while signed out will correctly prompt the user to sign in
  • Fixed: Block Definition Diagram will correctly draw when you select several shapes at once
  • Fixed: Error messages on the License Dashboard will no longer cause the "No users" alert to be shifted
  • Fixed: Test Cases Output report will no longer have an empty table header at the end of the report
  • Fixed: The "No entities to display" in Documents View will display correctly in paper mode
  • Fixed: Basic Document Output Report will correctly show link text in the description
  • Fixed: Post Baseline Change Report will only appear if baselines exist
  • Fixed: In Diagrams, middle dots on edges that have source and target shapes vertically aligned will correctly be draggable
  • Fixed: Gantt Chart scrolls correctly after adding new entities
  • Fixed: Internal Block Diagram blocks will grow correctly
  • Fixed: Find and Replace will correctly preserve non-text html formatting
  • Fixed: DoDAF reports will correctly show DoDAF products based on the filter
  • Fixed: Diagram links inside descriptions will export correctly
  • Fixed: Block Definition Diagram Open Dropdown will no longer throw errors
  • Fixed: Big Text alignment will work the same as Rich Text in Database View
  • Fixed: Entity Notation in Documents View will no longer cause a synchronization error when changes are made
  • Fixed: Entity View entity multiselects will correctly close after deselecting the settings dropdown
  • Fixed: Inno Card reports button is correctly positioned in widget header
  • Fixed: Schema handles duplicate orders and assigns new orders correctly when importing XML
  • Fixed: RVTM report will correctly display newly added Test Cases
  • Fixed: Entity Relationship Matrix report will correctly handle errors
  • Fixed: Transform modal will force class types even without a parent
  • Fixed: XML export in Manage Dashboards will work correctly
  • Fixed: Reassigning globals on import will correctly reassign global ids in Project Preference Dashboard widgets
  • Fixed: Test Center will no longer fetch duplicate cards
  • Fixed: Tabular Reports will correctly display Status Roll Up
  • Fixed: Kanban Boards will correctly export and clone
  • Fixed: Entity Table Report will run more efficiently when there’s only one root
  • Fixed: Large Entity Table notation in Documents View entity descriptions will no longer display outside the document column cell
  • Fixed: Entity Relationship Matrix will correctly handle overflow for relationship attributes
  • Fixed: Banners will no longer throw errors when clicking show / hide 
  • Fixed: Touch events for ActionTrace3D and other panels will work correctly in Simulator
  • Fixed: Deleting an entity from the database on a Calendar chart will no longer cause the Report dropdown to get stuck
  • Fixed: I-Squared Diagram will correctly save text color, bold, and italics for newly added Conduits
  • Fixed: Changing limit will correctly trigger save prompt in Database View
  • Fixed: Hierarchy Diagram will correctly render color and font styling deserialization upon changing levels
  • Fixed: Internal Block Diagram will correctly render color and font styling deserialization upon changing levels
  • Fixed: Layer Diagram will correctly render color and font styling deserialization upon changing levels
  • Fixed: Package Diagram will correctly render color and font styling deserialization upon changing levels
  • Fixed: Requirements diagram will correctly render color and font styling deserialization upon changing levels
  • Fixed: State Machine Diagram will correctly render color and font styling deserialization upon changing levels
  • Fixed: Timeline Diagram will correctly render color and font styling deserialization upon changing levels
  • Fixed: Baselines icon will no longer shift on hover
  • Fixed: Copy and pasting in redactor will keep the relative path of images
  • Fixed: Multiselect will correctly show its Enumeration values in schema
  • Fixed: Traceability Matrix will correctly resize the viewing area when the Chat Sidebar is opened
  • Fixed: Timeline Diagram will correctly handle duplicates
  • Fixed: S3 files will no longer throw backend warnings
  • Fixed: Draggable Hierarchy correctly handles dragging entities with locked parents and collapsed children
  • Fixed: Arrows on Interface Control Diagram will render correctly without a custom color
  • Fixed: Database related columns correctly sort entities by number/name ascending
  • Fixed: Computable attribute export will correctly map other Computable variables after copy or export
  • Fixed: Entity Table Widget will correctly prevent editing the query when locked
  • Fixed: Gantt Chart column widths will correctly persist after adjusting
  • Fixed: Saved Queries will correctly be remapped after import
  • Fixed: Layer and SysML diagrams have better shape layering and duplication support
  • Fixed: Labels will correctly display in front of their edges in the Asset Diagram


  • Updated: AWS libraries updated to patch vulnerabilities
  • Updated: Bouncy Castle updated to patch vulnerabilities
  • Updated: Postgresql updated to patch vulnerabilities
  • Updated: Xerces updated to patch vulnerabilities
  • Updated: Various npm dependencies updated to patch vulnerabilities