Innoslate Cloud Release Notes

Innoslate Cloud 4.0 Release Notes


Innoslate  was released and made available via the public cloud on October 19, 2018.

Below is an outline of the changes made to Innoslate which occurred after the release of Version 4.0 on June 19, 2018, incorporating changes from the Innoslate 4.0 Enterprise release, and before the release of Version on October 19, 2018.

New Features:

  • Added: New and Improved Timeline Diagram
  • Added: New and Improved DoDAF View


  • Improved: General diagram improvements (Diagrams View)
  • Improved: Quality score now responsive (All Views)
  • Improved: Date/Time editor now responsive
  • Improved: Duration editor now responsive
  • Improved: Percent editor now responsive
  • Improved: Label editor now responsive
  • Improved: Sorting and general improvements in reports
  • Improved: Auto number will work on documents and failure modal if auto number fails
  • Improved: Updated sorting in relationship view
  • Improved: Diagrams Report work in DoDAF view
  • Improved: Action/Activity can hide/show resources and IOs

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed: Comments are now incorporated correctly in reports
  • Fixed: History Report will handle redacted entities correctly
  • Fixed: Plain Text Parse will truncate when name is over 250 characters
  • Fixed: Action/Activity diagram will correctly show the remove button
  • Fixed: IDEF0 trigger defaults correctly sets undefined to true
  • Fixed: Insert diagram modal will not clear out map of entities
  • Fixed: Risk Diagram, Class, BDD, and Hierarchy will now update correctly in Diagrams view
  • Fixed: Feedback widget will correctly send feedback
  • Fixed: Documentation and webinar link will navigate to help center correctly
  • Fixed: Activity decomposed from link on entities vertex will correctly navigate to child Activity diagram
  • Fixed: Basic Tabular Output will generate correctly without give name
  • Fixed: Diagrams will not freeze after logging out
  • Fixed: Monte Carlo Images correctly download
  • Fixed: Intelligence view will handle large project correctly
  • Fixed: Labels editor will display correctly
  • Fixed: Open dropdown can navigate from entities in Test Center to Test Center correctly

Innoslate 4.0 Enterprise  was released on August 22, 2018. The release notes can be found in the link provided here.

Innoslate 4.0  was released and made available via the public cloud on June 19, 2018.

Below is an outline of the changes made to Innoslate which occurred after the release of Version 3.9 on April 21, 2017 and before the release of Version 4.0 on June 19, 2018.

New Features:

  • Added: New project workflow controls allow an entity’s status to be transitioned through a lifecycle. Workflow has the ability to control permissions of the transition, locking, and generate custom notifications. This feature allows your team to automate your organization’s process and increase collaboration in your team.
  • Added: Matrices are now integrated with our new “Traceability Assist,” which automatically identifies likely relationships using pre-trained machine learning models. The relationships tab has now been added to all views (documents, diagrams, matrices, and documents) for inline relationship manipulation.
  • Added: Innoslate 4.0’s database is (on average) 2-25x faster supporting extremely large requirements documents and reports. Performance on large operations is now up to 25x faster than before. Innoslate has been tested with a 10,000,000 entities in a single project and over 10,000 requirements in a single document. Innoslate has designed the ability to create Relationships across multiple projects.
  • Added: New customizable project dashboard allows combining various sources of data into a single page. Customizable widgets for bar charts, pie charts, entity tables, comments, and project activity are available. Widgets can be created personally for each user or shared with all members on the project.
  • Added: Innoslate 4.0 now operates with advanced permissions with custom roles and teams. Documents and diagrams can now contain redacted entities from other projects. Entities can be locked for editing at the object level. New options for licensing including reviewer, floating reviewer, and hybrid named/floating options are available.
  • Added: New and improved Database View is perfect for our power users. All entities can be edited inline, columns of related entities can be viewed and edited inline, and custom queries can be saved. A hierarchy mode allows navigating hierarchy of entities, including documents from within database view. Multiple label queries and complex attribute filters are now supported and can be added with ease.
  • Added: Documents Management View
  • Added: Test Management View


  • Improved: Swift searching (up to 30x faster), with higher accuracy (All Views)
  • Improved: Resolvable Comments (All Views)
  • Improved: Suspect Links (Matrices)
  • Improved: Query Matrices (Matrices)
  • Improved: Advanced CSV and Simple CSV merged (Import Analyzer)
  • Improved: Automatic class detection, ex. shall, will (Import Analyzer)
  • Improved: Filtering (Diagrams View)
  • Improved: PowerPoint Report (Diagrams View)
  • Improved: Integrated Label/Line Support (All Diagrams)
  • Improved: Suggested Auto Number (All Diagrams)
  • Improved: System Boundary (Use Case Diagram)
  • Improved: Folders and Organizations (Managed Projects)
  • Improved: Delete most pre-installed Labels (Schema Editor)
  • Improved: Schema at the Organization Level (Schema Editor)
  • Improved: Multiple Labels per Class (Schema Editor)
  • Improved: Overview with charts on Schema (Schema Editor)
  • Improved: Multiselect Attribute Type (Schema Editor)
  • Improved: User/Team Attribute Type (Schema Editor)
  • Improved: Guided Tours for New Users (Dashboard)
  • Improved: Recover deleted entities (Database)
  • Improved: Relationship attributes versioned (Database)
  • Improved: Action/Activity/Sim control flow versioned (Database)
  • Improved: Filtering by user, operation (Activity Feed / Dashboard)
  • Improved: CAD Viewer migrated to Autodesk managed Library (CAD)