General Diagrams

Hierarchy Diagram

The ‘Hierarchy Diagram’ is a type of hierarchical organizational chart used in Innoslate as a means of visualizing up to five levels of decomposition of entities top-down.

Using Hierarchy Diagrams

Function Description
Creating Hierarchy Diagrams Using ‘Diagrams View,’ in Innoslate, you can create a new ‘Hierarchy Diagram.’
Viewing Hierarchy Diagrams You can ‘View a Hierarchy Diagram’ of any new or existing entity of any class via the ‘Open’ drop-down menu, where available.
Adding an Entity An ‘Entity’ can be added to a ‘Hierarchy Chart’ via drag-and-drop.
Removing an Entity An entity can be easily removed from a ‘Hierarchy Diagram.’
Hierarchy Roll-Up Allows Roll-Up to be performed on Entities in the  ‘Hierarchy Diagram.’
Showing Attributes/Labels Allows for entity attributes/labels to be shown on the  ‘Hierarchy Diagram.’


The ‘Hierarchy Diagram’ is a type of hierarchical organizational chart used in Innoslate as a means of visualizing up to ten levels of decomposition of entities top-down.

hierarchy diagram overview

The ‘Hierarchy Diagram’ is not comprised of special diagram constructs. In fact, a ‘Hierarchy Diagram’ can be generated by Innoslate on the fly based on the current contents of your project’s database. The ‘Hierarchy Diagram’ is built using entities in the database of any specific class and their decomposed by/decomposes relationships. The entities display as rounded blocks containing the number and name of the entity and their decomposed by/decomposes relationships create the hierarchical structure displayed as arrow lines.

Creating Hierarchy Diagrams

Within the ‘Diagrams Dashboard,’ users can create a new diagram by clicking the ‘ Create Diagram’ button in the top right corner of the page.

create diagram


Clicking the ‘Create Diagram’ button will open the Create Diagram dialog where you will be directed through the process of creating a new diagram.

Create a Hierarchy Diagram

  1. Choose Which Type of Diagram to Create
    In step 1, select ‘Hierarchy Diagram,’ under ‘General,’ as your diagram type.



    Next, you’ll be asked to “Select which class of entity to use as the root entity” of your new ‘Hierarchy Diagram.’



    Click the ‘Next’ button.


  2. Specify New Root Action Information
    In step 2, you will be prompted to input a diagram ‘Name,’ ‘Number’ (optional), and ‘Description’ (optional). Then, click the ‘Finish’ button to save and automatically open your new ‘Hierarchy Diagram,’ where you can begin adding and removing entities.


Viewing Hierarchy Diagrams

In Innoslate, you can view a ‘Hierarchy Diagram’ from wherever the Open’ drop-down menu is available on the toolbar (Entity View, Database View, within a Document, within a Diagram, within a Test Suite).

View a Hierarchy Chart

  1. Locate and click the Open’ drop-down menu in the toolbar. Select ‘Hierarchy Diagram.’


  2. This will navigate you to view a ‘Hierarchy Diagram,’ where you can begin adding and removing entities. Click the ‘Save’ button located on the toolbar to persist your changes to your project’s database.

Adding an Entity

An entity can be added to a ‘Hierarchy Diagram’ via drag-and-drop.

  1. Within a ‘Hierarchy Diagram,’ click the ‘Action’ icon in the ‘New’ tab of the left sidebar and continue to hold down the left mouse button.


  2. Drag the ‘Action’ icon over the top of the entity of your choice, which will become the parent action.


  3. When the entity block highlights green, release the left mouse button to drop the new child entity and add it to the diagram.



    Notice the entity block stays selected once it has been dropped. Since it is selected, the toolbar changes to include buttons for functions that can be used on the construct. The sidebar also changes to include additional ‘Metadata,’ ‘Attributes’ and ‘Relationships’ tabs.

  4. Once added to the diagram, enter a meaningful ‘Name’ for your new entity via the ‘Attributes’ tab of the left sidebar (focused automatically for convenience).


  5. Click the ‘Save’ button located on the toolbar to persist your changes to your project’s database.


* Note: The above process describes using the ‘New’ tab of the left sidebar, which automatically generates a new entity to represent each new block. If you would like to reuse existing entities from your database to represent a new block, use the ‘Existing’ tab instead.

Removing an Entity

An entity can be easily removed from a ‘Hierarchy Diagram.’

  1. Within a ‘Hierarchy Diagram,’ select the entity you wish to remove. This will make the toolbar appear with applicable functions which can be used on the selected entity.


  2. Click the  ‘Remove’ button to remove the entity from the diagram (as the default action).


    * Note: The  ‘Remove’ button also includes a drop-down menu where you can select ‘Delete from Database’ or the default option of ‘Remove from Diagram.’

Hierarchy Diagram Rollup

A hierarchy Diagram has the ability to calculate and display an entity’s rolled-up attribute values up to 25 levels of hierarchy or roll-up attributes from entities visible on the chart. With NumbersDurationsEnumerations, and Multiselects, the Hierarchy Chart Rollup can easily roll up their values and allow you to apply those values as the attribute value in the parent entity.

1.   Within a ‘Hierarchy Diagram,’ click on the Entity you would like to have rolled up and click the ‘Rollup’ button on the toolbar. Note if the Rollup button does not appear, that entity has no children.

roll up feature hierarchy diagram


2.   Activate/Deactivate the ‘Roll Up Only Visible Entities’ slider. If activated, it will only Rollup the attributes of entities visible on the diagram. If left deactivated it will roll up from 25 levels of ‘decomposed by’ relationships.

3.   Click on the drop-down and select which attribute you would like to see rolled up.

4.   Configure a Rollup Attribute Value

    1. In the case of a Number or Duration, you may select the number of decimal places to round to before applying the value to the entity. The maximum amount of decimal places you may round to is 15. Please see below.
5.   Applying a Rollup Attribute Value
    1. After selecting and configuring your rollup attribute, click ‘Apply Attribute’. If it is a Number, the value of the number rounded to the selected decimal place will be applied. If it is a Duration, the value rounded to the selected decimal place and the highest unit of time in the hierarchy will be applied. If it is an Enumeration or Multiselect, the value with the highest number of occurrences will be applied.
    2. After clicking ‘Apply Attribute’, verify the attribute has changed in Entity View.

Showing Attributes and Labels

Attributes and Labels can be shown on the entities in the Hierarchy Diagram. The  Hierarchy Diagram can show specific attributes on the entities of the Hierarchy Diagram as well as show all labels on the Entities. This Setting will be project specific between different Hierarchy Diagrams. 

Both are found in the Settings drop-down on the right side of the Toolbar.

                                      showing attributes and labels hierarchy diagram


To show attributes, click the ‘Show Attributes’ on the settings dropdown. 

Once the Show Attributes modal pops up, Select which attributes would like to be shown on the chart.

       show attributes window settings hierarchy diagram


Click Set.

set attributes settings hierarchy diagram


To show labels, click the ‘Show Labels’ on the settings dropdown. 

hierarchy diagram attributes and labels shown example

To continue learning about General Diagrams, Click Here.

(Next Article: Hierarchy Diagram Modifications & Settings)