GitHub View

GitHub User Access

Learn how to access and sign onto the GitHub View.

Features Available in GitHub Featured Views

Function Description
Sign In Sign in to GitHub effortlessly with Innoslate's user-friendly interface, enabling seamless cross-access to your GitHub account.
Navigate Navigate to GitHub tab on Innoslate to access the token login.

Sign in to GitHub

In order to access your GitHub account through Innoslate, you will need to sign in. You will need a Personal Access Token generated from GitHub.


Creating a personal access token

To create a personal access token follow the steps provided by GitHub Docs

In order to use all the available functions of GitHub View, your personal access token must have the ‘repo’ scope checked. For more information on personal access token scopes, visit GitHub Docs.

Once your token is created, keep the token somewhere safe. As a safety precaution, GitHub will automatically hide the token once you leave the token-generating page. Use the generated token as your password for GitHub View.

Navigate to GitHub View

To navigate to the GitHub View from within any project, select GitHub from the MENU dropdown.



To continue learning about GitHub View, Click Here.

(Next Article: Import to GitHub)