Banner & AI API Preferences

Organization API Key Configurations

Learn how to configure AI API Keys for Organizations as Admins

The API Key Configuration feature in Innoslate v4.11 offers admins and organization owners greater control over AI functionalities. This capability is essential for enabling or managing Chat AI and Image AI features, utilizing either the default SPEC Innovations API or a personalized API key. By implementing custom API keys, users can route organizational projects to proprietary AI instances, control costs, and customize model selections for enhanced AI-powered workflows.

This setup provides flexibility to align AI functionalities with organizational policies and objectives. The Admin Organization Dashboard is equipped with an intuitive interface to  configuration, offering toggles and fields to fine-tune AI capabilities. Additionally, integrating an external API key, such as OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, and AskSage services, expands the range of models, functionalities, and safety measures available to organizations.

Key Highlights of API Key Configuration Setup:

  1. Custom API Integration: Configure custom API keys for Chat AI and Image AI, linking organizational projects to proprietary or external instances.
  2. AI Model Selection: Search and select available models based on the API provider.
  3. Flexible Controls: Enable or disable AI features, set usage limits, and switch between default and custom configurations.

In the sections ahead, we will outline the step-by-step process for retrieving your API key, setting up your organization’s API configuration, and managing AI functionalities. This feature within Organization Preferences provides administrators with detailed control over AI-powered tools in Innoslate.

Warning: Check your model's CUI compliance before sending prompts to any of the AI features. We have both public and private (secure) instances to best support the customer need.

Access the Organization Preferences

  1. Navigate to the "Admin Dashboard" in Innoslate.
  2. Click on the icon labeled as “[Your Organization]'s Preferences” located at the top-right corner of the dashboard.

APIKey_Organization Preferences-1

  Figure 1: [Your Organization]'s Preferences Button

Configure Chat AI Options

  1. Within the Chat AI Options section:
    • Toggle Enable to activate Chat AI for the organization.
    • If using SPEC Innovations’ default AI instance, select Use Default and skip to Step 4.
    For Non-Default API configurations:
    • Select the Provider (OpenAI, Azure OpenAI, or AskSage).
    • Enter the Base URL provided by your API source.
    • Input your API Key in the designated field. Optionally, include a secondary API key for backup purposes.
                                                         Figure 2: Chat AI Options section

  2. Click the Search Icon next to the AI Chat Models dropdown. The system will fetch the available models from the API key and populate the dropdown. (Refer to the third image for example models.)
                                                     Figure 3: AI Chat Models drop-down
  3. Optionally, set a Token Limit to control usage per project or user within the organization.

Configure Image AI Options (Personal API Only)

  1. In the Image AI Options section:
    • Toggle Enable to activate AI Image generation.
    • If you want to use the same Personal API configurations as Chat AI, toggle Same as Chat.
  2. For separate configurations:
    • Input a custom API Key and adjust settings similar to those in the Chat AI section.
  3. Once all configurations are set, click Update to save changes. The system will validate the inputs and apply the settings across the organization.

Note: AI Image features are disabled by default to provide us better control over costs, as image generation models are significantly more expensive compared to chat models. To enable access to image models & features, users are required to configure the API settings and connect their own API instances. 

Tutorial Video


To continue learning about Organization Preferences, Click Here.

(Next Article: OpenAI API Key)